All sessions, unless otherwise stated (*), will be held on Thursdays at 4-6 pm in the John Hope Franklin Room (Social Sciences Research Building, 224).
January 8, *1155 E. 60th St., Room 319, Roundtable Discussion on Archives in East Asia
January 29, Peter Thilly (PhD Candidate, Northwestern University); “The Offshore Opium Market in Fujian, 1833-1839”; Discussant: Jessa Dahl (PhD Student, History)
Pierre-Étienne Will (Professor, Collège de France); Lecture Series: “Modern Engineering, Warlord Politics, and Philanthropies in a Chinese Periphery: Xi’an and its Hinterland, 1911-1937” (Sponsored by the France Chicago Center)
February 12, John Hope Franklin Room, “Reviving a Two Thousand-Year Old Infrastructure: Modern Engineering and the Reconstruction of the Zheng Guo Irrigation System”; Discussants: Kenneth Pomeranz (Professor, History) and Diana Schwartz (PhD candidate, History)
February 17 (Tuesday), John Hope Franklin Room, “Delayed Modernization: Revolution and Warlordism in the Guanzhong Region, 1911-1930”; Discussant: Johanna Ransmeier (Professor, History)
February 19, *Social Sciences 401, “Philanthropies, Infrastructural Modernization and the Takeoff of the Guanzhong Region, 1930-1937”; Discussant: Jacob Eyferth (Professor, EALC)
March 5, Katherine Alexander (PhD Candidate, EALC); “Preserving Grains, Written Paper, and Infants in the Shadow of the Taiping War”; Discussant: Daniel Knorr (PhD Student, History)
March 12, Taeju Kim (PhD Candidate, History); “Anti-Nuclear Logic in Postwar Japan: Developing Others in the Frontier and Third World”; Discussant: Covell Meyskens (PhD Candidate, History)
March 17, *location TBA, Ma Zhao (Assistant Professor, Washington University in St. Louis); “War Remembered, Revolution Forgotten: (Re)Envisioning the North Korean Ally in Chinese Documentary Films, 1951-2013”; Discussants: Saul Thomas (PhD Candidate, Anthropology/History) and Ling Zhang (PhD Candidate, Cinema and Media Studies)