Winter 2015 Schedule

All sessions, unless otherwise stated (*), will be held on Thursdays at 4-6 pm in the John Hope Franklin Room (Social Sciences Research Building, 224).

January 8, *1155 E. 60th St., Room 319, Roundtable Discussion on Archives in East Asia

January 29, Peter Thilly (PhD Candidate, Northwestern University); “The Offshore Opium Market in Fujian, 1833-1839”; Discussant: Jessa Dahl (PhD Student, History)

Pierre-Étienne Will (Professor, Collège de France); Lecture Series: “Modern Engineering, Warlord Politics, and Philanthropies in a Chinese Periphery: Xi’an and its Hinterland, 1911-1937” (Sponsored by the France Chicago Center)

February 12, John Hope Franklin Room, “Reviving a Two Thousand-Year Old Infrastructure: Modern Engineering and the Reconstruction of the Zheng Guo Irrigation System”; Discussants: Kenneth Pomeranz (Professor, History) and Diana Schwartz (PhD candidate, History)

February 17 (Tuesday), John Hope Franklin Room, “Delayed Modernization: Revolution and Warlordism in the Guanzhong Region, 1911-1930”; Discussant: Johanna Ransmeier (Professor, History)

February 19, *Social Sciences 401, “Philanthropies, Infrastructural Modernization and the Takeoff of the Guanzhong Region, 1930-1937”; Discussant: Jacob Eyferth (Professor, EALC)

March 5, Katherine Alexander (PhD Candidate, EALC); “Preserving Grains, Written Paper, and Infants in the Shadow of the Taiping War”; Discussant: Daniel Knorr (PhD Student, History)

March 12, Taeju Kim (PhD Candidate, History); “Anti-Nuclear Logic in Postwar Japan: Developing Others in the Frontier and Third World”; Discussant: Covell Meyskens (PhD Candidate, History)

March 17, *location TBA, Ma Zhao (Assistant Professor, Washington University in St. Louis); “War Remembered, Revolution Forgotten: (Re)Envisioning the North Korean Ally in Chinese Documentary Films, 1951-2013”; Discussants: Saul Thomas (PhD Candidate, Anthropology/History) and Ling Zhang (PhD Candidate, Cinema and Media Studies)

11/20 Johanna Ransmeier

From the Floodplain to the Capital

(The second chapter of a project tentatively titled “No Other Choice: Domestic Ties, Household Bondage, and the Trade in People in North China”)

Beijing Old City Walls, 1902 Postcard - Public Domain

Speaker: Johanna Ransmeier (Assistant Professor, History)

Discussant: Guo-Quan Seng (PhD Candidate, History)

Date/Time: November 20, 4-6 pm

Venue: John Hope Franklin Room (SS 224)

10/30 Wang You

Feed the Lower Gentry: Survival Strategies and the Grain Tribute in the Early Nineteenth Century


Presenter: Wang You (MAPSS)

Discussant: Pan Yiying (PhD student, EALC)

Date/Time: October 30, 4-6 pm

Venue: 1155 E. 60th St., Room 319

10/2 Town Hall and Happy Hour

To kick the year off, we will be holding a special town hall and happy hour to welcome new and returning participants alike. At 4 pm we will meet in 1155 E. 60th St. (Harris School building, new location of the Center for East Asian Studies), Room 319 for a brief discussion of the workshop’s goals and plans for this year. Come with your own suggestions and questions. Faculty and students (PhD and MAPSS) from all disciplines and specialties are welcome. At 5 pm we will walk over to the Pub in the basement of Ida Noyes Hall for the happy hour portion of our event.  See below for a map of the location of the two venues. Don’t forget to “like” our new Facebook page to connect with the workshop and other participants.