Get Help
Get Help
The University offers numerous support services and referrals to anyone who has experienced sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.
Below are links to resources – emergency resources, confidential resources, and additional resources – available to members of the University community. Resources designated “confidential” are available to provide support, resources, and information. Confidential resources do not share identifying information about people or incidents without the reporting person’s consent.
The University’s Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct contains an appendix that lists support services and resources. The list includes legal, disciplinary, and medical support services, as well as resources specifically for students, faculty, and staff. It includes both on-campus and non-University resources.
Office Hours
The Office for Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Support holds office hours on Tuesdays from 11-1pm at 5525 S Ellis, Suite 169, where students can come in without an appointment and speak with a staff member.