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No Contact Directives

A No-contact Directive (NCD) issued in response to an alleged violation of the Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct is an administrative action designed to prevent contact between two or more individuals.  NCDs can be issued based on request or need, as determined by the University official issuing the directive, and do not require the filing of a formal complaint. NCDs are generally mutual in scope and do not determine fault, unless otherwise stated. In certain circumstances a unilateral (single party) NCD may be issued to a respondent.  NCDs may be issued to students, faculty, other academic appointees, staff, postdoctoral researchers, alumni, and persons not affiliated with the University.

The parameters of every NCD are determined on a case-by-case basis and are reviewed on an ongoing basis or upon request. An NCD may be an accommodation, an interim measure, or a remedy following a disciplinary proceeding.

An NCD prohibits contact, including, but not limited to in-person, through electronic means, or through a third party, but it does not prevent individuals from being in the same place or seeing one another on- or off-campus. The University may, however, require a respondent to leave a place where a complainant is present or otherwise restrict a respondent’s activities as a separate interim measure and/or a remedy if appropriate.

An NCD issued in response to an alleged violation of the Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct can be implemented by any of the following individuals, and/or their designees:

The Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinators –

The Dean of Students in the University –

The Associate Dean of Students for Disciplinary Affairs –

Any potential violation of an NCD should be reported, by email or phone, to the University official who issued the directive and may result in disciplinary action.  Students are always encouraged to seek any clarification regarding a NCD.

If you have questions about NCDs, you may speak confidentially with a Sexual Assault Dean on Call, or anonymously with the Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students during office drop in hours.


Campus Safety Analysis

In reviewing information related to a report of sexual misconduct, the University of Chicago determines if interim measures are warranted to stop, prevent and remedy the effects of any alleged misconduct and evaluates, with campus partners, whether there is a broader threat to campus safety. In conducting this assessment, the Title IX Coordinator(s) within the Office for Equal Opportunity Programs review the information reported (including the name of the alleged perpetrator, location of the incident, and the nature of the incident itself) to determine if there is a reported pattern of behavior; determines if any information has been reported to UCPD and whether the alleged perpetrator has been a respondent in any disciplinary process; and evaluates whether the incident as reported itself could constitute a campus safety threat.

In some instances, the Title IX Coordinator(s) may need to move forward with an investigation or other protective measure based on this review, in which case the individual(s) who made the report will be notified.

Additionally, the Title IX Coordinator(s) are also considered Campus Security Authorities under the Clery Act, and therefore must notify UCPD of any Clery Act crime that occurred on or within Clery Act locations to review for timely security alerts. Decisions regarding whether to issue a timely security alert are made on a case-by-case basis by the Associate Vice President for Safety and Security (or designee), taking into account the nature and location of the crime, and whether there is a continuing threat to the campus community.


Civil No Contact Orders

For information about Civil No Contact Orders, please click here.