Fall 2016 Schedule

September 26, 6-7:30 PM: Welcome Dinner at the home of Professor Paul Mendes-Flohr. Please RSVP by September 23rd to Anna Band (aband@uchicago.edu) and David Cohen (davidc1@uchicago.edu) for the address.

October 10, 4:30-6 PM, Harper 148: Erik Dreff (PhD Candidate, Divinity): “The Psychology of the Intellectual Love of God in Spinoza.”

October 31, 4:30-6 PM, Harper 130: *Guest Speaker* Professor Shachar Pinsker (Professor of Hebrew Literature and Culture, University of Michigan): “A Rich Brew: Urban Cafes and Modern Jewish Culture.” Co-sponsored by the Chicago Center for Jewish Studies (CCJS) and the History of Judaism Club. 

November 7, 4:30-6 PM, Harper 148: Matthew Johnson (PhD Student, German): “A tsveyter: Paul Celan in Yiddish.” Respondent: Kirsten Collins (MA Student, Divinity).

November 14, 4:30-6 PM, Harper 148: Visiting Professor Guy Stroumsa (Professor of Comparative Religion, Hebrew University of Jerusalem): “Beyond Utopia: Avatars of the Promised Land — A Comparative Reflection on the History of the Concept of the Holy Land in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.” Co-sponsored by the Philosophy of Religions Workshop. 

November 21, 4:30-6 PM, Harper 148: Yoni Shemesh (PhD Student, Divinity): “Narboni on Maimonides’ Classification of Evil and Job’s Attainment.”

November 28, 4:30-6 PM, Harper 130: Visiting Professor Sarah Stroumsa (Professor of Arabic Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem): “The Literary Genizot: A Window to a Mediterranean Republic of Letters.” Co-sponsored by the Middle East History and Theory (MEHAT) Workshop and the Islamic Studies Workshop.

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