
The Linguistic Anthropology Lab comprises a seminar room and a workroom for collaborative and independent work. The seminar room features a large 4K display, and the workroom contains computer workstations with a variety of hardware and software to facilitate transcription and annotation work.

Hardware includes Mac and PC computers, dual-monitor displays (including free-standing displays for laptops), open desk space, standing desks, noise-cancelling headphones, over-ear headphones, and foot pedals. Software includes F4 + F5 (USB), InqScribe, Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, and RX 5 Audio Editor.

Suggestions for improving lab resources are always welcome. Please contact the lab coordinator with inquiries.

Software Guides

Links to tutorials (recommended watching)
Notes on tutorials from C Nakassis.

Introductory Guide: Elan How-To
Further instructions can be found here, under “Documentation”.

Introductory Guide: Wordsmith Getting Started
Further instructions can be found here.

Interviewing Resources

Bibliography of reference materials for conducting interviews.

Image and File Management
The University of Chicago Visual Resources Center hosts workshops throughout the year and has extensive online resources to help with personal databases, organizing materials collected in the field, using equipment, and more.

Productivity Resources

Guide assembled by Anna W. Collection of links to software, articles, and techniques for time and project management, reference management, writing, and so on.