Piccirilli Lab |

Karolina Ryba joined our group

Karolina came to us from Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw, Poland as a part of Fulbright’s BioLAB program and will stay with us for a year! Karolina will spend her internship on structural characterization of RNA-antibody complexes to gain better...

Dan Krochmal joined the lab

Say hi to Dan Krochmal – our new PhD student! Dan Krochmal graduated with master’s degree from Jagiellonian University in Poland and visited the Piccirilli Lab in years 2017-2018 as a laureate of the Polish-American BioLAB program. Dan will be working on...

Allison Brink joined the lab!

We’re happy to have a new PhD student in our ranks – say hi to Allison Brink! Allison graduated from Grinnell College and she will be working on atomic structure of Hovlinc ribozyme. Welcome!