MONDAY, October 23rd, Jenny Birkett, “Shakespeare’s Possessive Pet Names”
Please join the Renaissance Workshop
Monday, October 23rd, when
Jenny Birkett
Postdoctoral Fellow with Shakespeare, University of Notre Dame
presents the paper
“Shakespeare’s Possessive Pet Names”
MONDAY, October 23rd
Rosenwald 301
*please note the different room*
The paper, to be read in advance, has been distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and is available on our website under the password “endearment.” Light refreshments will be served.
In this paper, I contest the claim that Shakespeare’s most used form of endearment is animal terminology (such as duck), by highlighting that the most common affectionate vocative construction in Shakespeare’s plays is actually the combination of a genitive possessive (such as my, thy, your, our) with either a proper name (such as “my Hermia”), a title (such as “my lord”), or an endearing term (such as “my love”, or “my sweet”). Using A Midsummer Night’s Dream as a case study, I analyze the ways in which possessive endearments enact early modern marriage by portraying a relationship tangled in issues of dominance, submission, and mutual affection. This paper acts as the first of five chapters in my current book project on terms of endearment in early modern drama.
If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and concerns should be directed to Andrés Irigoyen (airigoyen@uchicago.edu) or Alyssa Mulé (amule@uchicago.edu).
Protected: Materials for Birkett Workshop
Protected: Materials for Strier Workshop
MONDAY, Oct. 9th, Richard Strier, “Bangs and Whimpers: Notes on The Early Versions of King Lear”
Please join the Renaissance Workshop
MONDAY, October 9th, when
Richard Strier
Frank L. Sulzberger Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago
presents the paper:
“Bangs and Whimpers: Notes on The Early Versions of King Lear”
MONDAY, October 9th
Rosenwald 301 (note the different room)
The paper, to be read in advance, has been distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and is available on our website here under the password “twofer.” Light refreshments will be served.
If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and concerns should be directed to Andrés Irigoyen (airigoyen@uchicago.edu) or Alyssa Mule (amule@uchicago.edu).
Renaissance Workshop Autumn 2023 Schedule
Dear Colleagues,
We are happy to announce the Renaissance Workshop’s Autumn 2023 schedule, which can be found in full below. The workshop meets on Mondays from 5:00-6:30pm in Rosenwald 301 (note the room change) unless otherwise specified. Should you like to join a meeting via Zoom, please email either Alyssa Mule (amule@uchicago.edu) or Andrés Irigoyen (airigoyen@uchicago.edu) for accommodation. In the event that the meeting switches to a virtual setting, we will notify you in the announcement a week in advance of the event.
Materials for the workshop, as well as the schedule and any updates, are available on our website. The Renaissance Workshop is free and open to the public, and we encourage those new to the workshop to attend.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday, October 9th when Richard Strier (Frank L. Sulzberger Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus) will present the paper “Bangs and Whimpers: Notes on The Early Versions of King Lear.“
Andrés and Alyssa
October 9th | Richard Strier
Frank L. Sulzberger Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus
University of Chicago
“Bangs and Whimpers: Notes on The Early Versions of King Lear.“
October 23rd | Jennifer Thorup Birkett
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Notre Dame
Title TBD
November 6th | Elizabeth Hines
PhD Candidate, University of Chicago
“Imperial Experiments”
November 27th | Elisha Hamlin
MAPH Student, University of Chicago
“‘Cruel, Irreligious Piety:’ Eucharistic Tropes and Witnessing Whiteness in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus”
Protected: Materials for Qureshi Workshop
Protected: Materials for Shaw Workshop
TUESDAY, May 23rd, Justin Shaw “The Complexion of the Church”: Witnessing Whiteness and Melancholy in Donne’s Sonnets and Sermons
Please join the Renaissance Workshop
TUESDAY, May 23rd, when
Justin Shaw
Assistant Professor of English
Clark University
“The Complexion of the Church”: Witnessing Whiteness and Melancholy in Donne’s Sonnets and Sermons
TUESDAY, May 23rd
(note the day change)
Rosenwald 301
*This event is co-sponsored by the Nicholson Center and the Black Baroque Project.*
The paper, to be read in advance, will be distributed to the Renaissance Workshop mailing list and will be available on our website here under the password “melancholy.” Light refreshments will be served.
If you would like to join our mailing list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and concerns should be directed to Andrés Irigoyen (airigoyen@uchicago.edu) or Sarah-Gray Lesley (sglesley@uchicago.edu).
Image: John Donne’s effigy in St. Paul’s London, taken by Justin Shaw.