Spring 2022 Schedule

Spring 2022

Wednesdays 4:30-6:00 PM (CST)  (except where noted)

Location: John Hope Franklin Room (except where noted)

Papers will be circulated a week in advance

Coordinators: Madeline Adams & Elena Hoffenberg

Week 1, Thursday, March 31st

Natalie Smith, PhD Candidate, History

Title: “Producing Cleanliness: Labor in the Soap Factories of Marseille”

Week 3: April 13th

Michael Williams, PhD Candidate, History

Title: “The Federal Republic’s Search for Philosophical Foundations and the Challenge of Deconstruction, 1945-1984​”

Week 4: April 20th​

Dora Vargha, Professor of History and Medical Humanities, University of Exeter

Title: Social and socialist: ideas of health, medicine and society across the Iron Curtain

Week 5: April 27th

Madeline Adams, PhD Student, History

Title: Materiality, Mapping, and Memory of LGBT Communities in the German Democratic Republic, 1973 to the Present

Week 7: May 11th (VIRTUAL) – 3:30-5:00 pm Central

Nicoletta Rousseva, PhD Candidate, Art History, University of Illinois Chicago

Title: A Future State: IRWIN’s Moscow Embassy and the Afterlife of Socialism

Week 8: May 18th

Samuel Huneke, Assistant Professor, Department of History and Art History, George Mason University

Book Talk for States of Liberation: Gay Men between Dictatorship and Democracy in Cold War Germany (2022)

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