Ben Van Zee @ TAMEW on Feb. 15

Dear friends,

We’re looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday for our next workshop session. We will be discussing Ben Van Zee‘s dissertation chapter Between the Paraná Pines and Anglo-Saxon Hegemony: The Underdog Imperialists, The Not Quite White Workers of the World, and the Age of Emigrant Colonialism. Ben Goossen will serve as discussant.

Please join us next Wednesday, February 15th, from 4:30 to 6:00. Like last week, the workshop will meet in the Social Sciences Tea Room (Social Science Research Building, 1126 E. 59th Street, Room 201).

Ben’s paper is now available on our TAMEW Canvas page and on our website under the heading “Current Paper” (Password: HopeFranklin). Feel free to get in touch with us at and with any questions.

Until next week,
Laura Cremer and Julia Mead

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