Transnational Approaches to Modern Europe Workshop Winter 2022 Schedule
Wednesdays 4:30-6:00 PM (CST)
Papers and Zoom links circulated one week in advance
Coordinators Elena Hoffenberg and Madeline Adams
Schedule Revised February 8, 2022
Week 1, January 12th – Co-hosted with US History & Culture Workshop
Esther Isaac, PhD Student, History
Title: “‘Nothing but Complete Revolution Can Free Her’: Anarchist Women and Feminist Prefigurative Politics in Chicago and Paris, 1871-1914”
Week 2, January 19th
Filip Herza, Visiting Fulbright Scholar from the Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Title: “Colonial Czechoslovakia? Overseas and Internal Colonisation in the Interwar Czechoslovak Republic”
Week 4, February 2nd (in-person)
Dimitri Diagne, PhD Student in History, UC Berkeley
Title: “’Among the French People’: The Departmentalization of Mayotte and the Colonial Politics of Inclusion”
This workshop is currently scheduled to take place on the University of Chicago campus in line with the university’s COVID-19 protocols. Information will be circulated for how to register to attend. Any changes to plans for this workshop will be communicated in advance.
Week 8, February 23rd
Ben Van Zee, PhD Candidate, History
Title: “The Imperial Welfare State: The Making of German and Polish Welfare States At Home and Abroad in the Age of Mass Migration”
Week 9, March 2nd
Conversation: Historical Perspectives on Ukraine Today