US Locations 2016-2017 Fall Schedule!
The Workshop on US Locations Fall Schedule
All workshop sessions are on Tuesdays from 4:30-6pm in Haskell 102, unless otherwise noted.
October 11 – Averill Leslie, Anthropology
“Against the Apolitical, Technical View of Municipal Government: Northmont’s Ballot Box as a Trust and Unity Machine”
Discussant: Kai Parker (History)
October 25 – Dr. Kathleen Belew, History, University of Chicago
Discussant: Claire Bowman (Anthropology)
November 8 – Election Special! Details to follow.
November 15 – Hannah Burnett, Anthropology
“Sensing Place, Taste, & Toxicity with Louisiana’s New Oyster”
Discussant: Damien Bright (Anthropology)
November 22 – Pizza and politics: Special session on campus politics hosted by Molly Cunningham, Anthropology
December 6 – Karma Frierson, Anthropology
“Herencia Negra: Slippages between Heredity and Heritage”
Discussant: TBA
For questions and concerns about accessibility, please contact Sonia Grant at
Talia + Sonia (US Locations co-coordinators 2016-2017)
About the Workshop on U.S. Locations:
The Workshop on U.S. Locations explores current ethnographic research in and in relation to North America. We examine what is distinctly American about particular U.S. sites, situations, and sensibilities, while we also seek to locate the U.S. transnationally. This year we are particularly interested in thinking together about the conditions of the (ethnographic) present. At what scales and in which jurisdictions are these conditions manifest? How can their complexity be rendered, anthropologically or otherwise? We’re also interested in thinking across different representational and nonrepresentational forms. We invite experimental papers and other media, and welcome ideas for experimental workshops.