A US Locations Study Guide
A U.S. Locations Study Guide
The coalition unites us in the recognition that we must change things or die. All of us. We must all change the things that are fucked up and change cannot come in the form that we think of as “revolutionary”- not as a masculinist surge or an armed confrontation. REVOLUTION WILL COME IN A FORM WE CANNOT YET IMAGINE. Moten and Harney propose that we prepare now for what will come by entering into STUDY. STUDY, A MODE OF THINKING WITH OTHERS SEPARATE FROM THE THINKING THAT THE INSTITUTION REQUIRES OF YOU, prepares us to be embedded in what Harney calls “the with and for” and allows you to spend less time antagonized and antagonizing.
-The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study 2013: 11
In the spirit of Harney and Moten, the community members of the Workshop on U.S. Locations have compiled a study guide. These are texts, (and we mean text broadly) that challenge and sustain. We first did this exercise in Fall 2015, asking members what texts have changed their thinking about the U.S. & we follow it up now in 2017, post-election.
US Locations Reading List Fall 2015
Ansel, David. 2012. County: Life, Death, and Politics at Chicago’s Public Hospital.
Baldwin, James. 1974. If Beale Street Could Talk.
Carr, Summerson. 2010. Scripting Addiction: The Politics of Therapeutic Talk and American Sobriety.
Cronon, William. 1992. Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West.
Deetz, James. 1996. In Small Things Forgotten: An Archaeology of Early American Life.
DeLillo, Don. 1985. White Noise.
Fadiman, Anne. 2012. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures.
Fields, Karen and Fields, Barbara. 2014. Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life.
Fliegelman, Jay. 1993. Declaring Independence: Jefferson, Natural Language, and the Culture of Performance.
Galeano, Eduardo. 1998. Genesis: Memory of Fire Trilogy.
Jain, Lochlann. 2013. Malignant: How Cancer Becomes Us.
Kirschenbaum, Howard and Valerie Land Henderson (Eds.) 1989. Carl Rogers-Dialogues: Conversations with Martin Buber, Paul Tillich, B.F. Skinner, Gregory Bateson, Michael Polanyi, Rollo May, and others. *The debate between Rogers and Skinner
Lareau, Annette. 2011. Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life, With an Update a Decade Later.
McDowell, John. 1994. Mind and World.
Metzl, Jonathan. 2011. The Protest Psychosis: How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease.
Meyers, Todd. 2013. The Clinic and Elsewhere: Addiction, Adolescents, and the Afterlife of Therapy.
Morrison, Toni. *Everything she’s ever written.
Rana, Aziz. 2010. The Two Faces of American Freedom.
Rankine, Claudia. 2014. Citizen: An American Lyric.
Rogin, Michael. 1988. Ronald Reagan The Movie: And Other Episodes in Political Demonology.
Rosaldo, Renato. “Cultural Citizenship and Educational Democracy.” Cultural Anthropology 9.3(1994): 402–411. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1525/can.1994.9.3.02a00110/abstract
Salamon, Sonya. 1995. Prairie Patrimony: Family, Farming, and Community in the Midwest.
Stewart, Kathleen. 2007. Ordinary Affects.
Waldy, D.J. 1996. Holy Land: A Suburban Memoir.
Walley, Christine. 2013. Exit Zero: Family and Class in Postindustrial Chicago.
Wilderson III, Frank. 2010. Red, White & Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms.
Wright, Richard. 1940. Native Son.
US Locations Reading List Winter 2017
A Tribe Called Quest. 2016. We Got It From Here…Thank You 4 Your Service. (Album)
Adorno, Theodor and Max Horkheimer. 1944. Dialectic of Enlightenment.
Ahmed, Sara. https://feministkilljoys.com
Baldwin, James.
- “My Dungeon Shook: A Letter to My Nephew on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Emancipation.” (Essay, in The Fire Next Time)
- “The Discovery of What it Means to be an American.” (Essay, in Nobody Knows My Name)
bell hooks. 1995. Killing Rage: Ending Racism.
Beyoncé. 2016. Lemonade. (Album)
Blackhawk, Ned. 2009. Violence Over the Land: Indians and Empires in the Early American West.
Blondie. 2011. Panic Of Girls. (Album)
Borden, Lizzie. 1983. Born in Flames.
Boyer, Anne. 2015. Garments Against Women.
Byrd, Jodi. 2011. The Transit of Empire: Indigenous Critiques of Colonialism.
Chacón, Jennifer M. 2014. “Immigration Detention: No Turning Back?” in The South Atlantic Quarterly.
Cohen, Cathy J. 1997. “Punks, Bulldaggers, and Welfare Queens: The Radical Potential of Queer Politics?” in GLQ 3, 437-465. http://www.isabelcporras.com/punks+bulldaggers+cohen.pdf
Cohen, Leonard. 2016. You Want It Darker. (Album) https://youtu.be/v0nmHymgM7Y
Cooke, Sam & The Soul Stirrers. Touch The Hem Of His Garment. (Single) https://youtu.be/QKADAdCwpYI
de Genova, Nicholas. 2013. “”Spectacles of Migrant ‘Illegality’: the Scene of Exclusion, the Obscene of Inclusion” in Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Dean, Jodi. 1998. Aliens in America: Conspiracy Cultures from Outerspace to Cyberspace.
Delany, Samuel. 1975. Dhalgren.
Deltron 3030. 2000. 3030. (Single) https://youtu.be/Q7_jbluF0qo
Dhillon, Jaskiran and Nick Estes. 2016. Standing Rock, #NoDAPL, and Mni Wiconi. https://culanth.org/fieldsights/1010-standing-rock-nodapl-and-mni-wiconi
Dick, Philip K. 1969. Ubik.
Du Bois, W.E.B.
- Black Reconstruction in America 1860-1880.
- Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/15210/15210-h/15210-h.htm#Credo
Federici, Silvia. 2004. Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation.
Foucault, Michel, and Paul Rabinow. 2000. Power: essential works of Foucault, 1954-1984. Edited by James D. Faubion. (Preface, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.)
Giovanni, Nikki. 1997. In Philadelphia. (Album)
GZA featuring U-God, Raekwon and Masta Killa. 1995. “Investigative Reports” (Single) https://youtu.be/fUBZ1E8FZ_o
Haraway, Donna.
- Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene.
- Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene: Making Kin. http://environmentalhumanities.org/arch/vol6/6.7.pdf
Indonesian Plantation Workers Union. 2003. The Globalization Tapes. (Film)
Instagram. Fiftythreepercentpledge. https://www.instagram.com/fiftythreepercentpledge/?hl=en
Johnson Reagon, Bernice. 1981. Coalition Politics: Turning the Century.
Kirkland, Mike James. 1972. Hang On In There. (Single) https://youtu.be/QJH26Gj5-m8
Legend of Korra. (TV series)
Levine, Philip. 1991. What Work Is.
Lorde, Audre.
- Sister Outsider.
- The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde.
Lorsung, Éireann. 2013. Her Book: Poems.
MacIntyre, Alasdair. 1989. After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory.
Madley, Benjamin. 2009. An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846-1873.
Makaveli (2pac). 1996. White Man’z World. (Single) https://youtu.be/lS6OB2W1oRI
Marley, Bob & The Wailers. 1978. Crisis. (Single) https://youtu.be/eq6X7hLhsmo
Marley, Bob & The Wailers. 1973. Small Axe. (Single) https://youtu.be/ia6Tvpj6dPw
Masco, Joseph. 2017. The Crisis in Crisis. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdfplus/10.1086/688695
Minh-ha.Trinh. 1989. Native, Woman, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism.
Monae, Janelle. 2013. The Electric Lady. (Album)
Moonlight. 2016. (Film)
Moten, Fred & Stefano Harney. 2013. The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study. http://www.minorcompositions.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/undercommons-web.pdf
Nas. 2004. A Message to the Feds, Sincerely, We the People. (Single) https://youtu.be/12zywvMAiVw
Okun, Tema. 2006. From White Racist to White Anti-Racist: The Life-Long Journey. http://www.dismantlingracism.org/uploads/4/3/5/7/43579015/white_identity_ladder_2013.pdf
Oparah, Julia and Alicia Bonaparte. 2015. Birthing Justice: Black Women, Pregnancy, and Childbirth. (and it’s forbears, Angela Davis and Dorothy Roberts.)
Payne, Charles V. 1995. I’ve Got the Light of Freedom: The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle.
Povinelli, Elizabeth. 2016. Geontologies: A Requiem for Late Liberalism.
Rankine, Claudia. 2014. Citizen: An American Lyric.
Robinson, Cedric. 1983. Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition.
Sakai, J. 2014. Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat from Mayflower to Modern.
Scott-Heron, Gil. 1974. H20 Gate Blues. (Single) https://youtu.be/1wixtjUL42E
Sedgwick, Eve. 2002. Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading, or You’re So Paranoid, You Probably Think This Essay Is About You. https://sydney.edu.au/arts/slam/downloads/documents/novel_studies/3_Sedgwick.pdf
Solange. 2016. A Seat At the Table. (Album)
Solnit, Rebecca. 2015. Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities.
Simpson, Audra.
- Consent’s Revenge. https://culanth.org/articles/818-consent-s-revenge
- On Ethnographic Refusal: Indigeneity, ‘Voice,’ and Colonial Citizenship. http://pages.ucsd.edu/~rfrank/class_web/ES-270/SimpsonJunctures9.pdf
Simpson, Leanne Betasamosake. 2016. How to Steal a Canoe. (Single) https://youtu.be/dp5oGZ1r60g
Springsteen, Bruce. 1982. Nebraska. (Album)
Sutherland, Keston. 2013. The Odes to TL61P.
Syllabus for White People to Educate Themselves. 2016. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1By9bUjJ78snEeZuLXNGBdlVMJgEQWMEjR-Gfx8ER7Iw/mobilebasic#heading=h.bi12zdslqy3z
The Man In The High Castle. (TV series)
Twitter handles:
@karnythia https://twitter.com/Karnythia
@feministajones https://twitter.com/FeministaJones
@alwaystheself https://twitter.com/alwaystheself
@kristinrawls https://twitter.com/kristinrawls
Withers, Bill. 1973. I Can’t Write Left-Handed. (Single) https://youtu.be/O4RyYtkifTM