William Taschek (The Ohio State University)
“On the Tractarian Critique of Frege’s use of ‘⊢'”
Rosenwald 432
The paper will not be distributed in advance.
William Taschek (The Ohio State University)
“On the Tractarian Critique of Frege’s use of ‘⊢'”
Rosenwald 432
The paper will not be distributed in advance.
Francey Russell (University of Chicago, graduate student)
“I want to know more about you: knowing and acknowledging in Chinatown”
Rosenwald 432
Two versions of the paper, a long and a short, are available here.
Clinton Tolley (University of California, San Diego)
“Kant, Bolzano, Frege, and the Universalist Conception of Logic”
Cobb 105
This will be a joint meeting with the German Philosophy Workshop. Background readings are available here. The paper itself will not be distributed in advance.