Archive 2014-2015

Autumn 2014

October 3 – Nic Koziolek (Chicago): “The Activity of Belief”

October 17 – Irad Kimhi (Chicago): “Is the Mystery of Negation a Mystery for the Stranger? (Quietism and non-Quietism in Plato’s Sophist)”

October 31 – Christian Martin (LMU): “Poetry as a Form of Knowledge”

November 7 – David Finkelstein (Chicago) “‘Can’t I say both?’: Investigations §682 and Wittgenstein on First-Personal Memory”

December 5 – Tuomo Tiisala (Chicago)


Winter 2015

January 16 – David Egan (Chicago, Society of Fellows): “How To Undo Things With Words: Wittgenstein and Heidegger on Dissolving Philosophical Problems”

January 30 – James Shaw (Pitt): “Agreement and Circumstance in the Philosophical Investigations”

February 13 – Santiago Mejia (Chicago): “The Ethical Relevance of First-Personal Self-Knowledge”

February 27 – Matthias Haase (Leipzig): „I, You, We“.

March 13 – Alexander George (Amherst): “‘For a blunder, that’s too big’: Wittgenstein and Hume on Religious Belief”


Spring 2015

April 3 – Jason Bridges (Chicago): The Mind as Mechanism

April 9 – Chon Tejedor (Hertfordshire) (4:45-6:30pm, Wieboldt 408) – “The Early Wittgenstein on the Principles of the Natural Sciences”

April 16 – Adrian Haddock (Stirling) – “Knowledge aided by Observation” (4:45-6:30pm, @ Wieboldt 408)

April 17 – Katie Howe (Chicago) –  “Persistence, Thought, and Animality.”

April 24 – Jean-Phillipe Narboux (Bordeaux): “Simplicity and Rigidity: Reading PI §50 after Kripke”

April 30 – Matthias Schirn (Munich): “The consistency of mathematical theories — Wittgenstein contra Hilbert” (4:45-6:45pm, location: Rosenwald 015)

May 15 – Rory O’Connell (Chicago): “Thought’s Efficacy”

May 29 – Russell Johnson (Chicago): “A Grammar of Persuasion: Wittgenstein on Communicating Faith.”