The Comparative Politics Workshop presents the updated Spring Schedule 2012. Please note that the last session on June 6th will be different than the usual format. Lisa Wedeen will be giving a talk (“Ideology in the Political Present: Notes from Syria”) rather than circulating a paper. We are very excited about this quarter and hope you can join us!

Milena and Tania


The Comparative Politics Workshop invites you to:

Research Agenda With a Comparative Perspective

Scott Siegel

Discussant: Bogdan Popescu
Wednesday, April 18th
6:00-8:00 pm
Wilder House Conference Room

Please contact Milena Ang (milenaang@uchicago.edu) or Tania Islas (tislasweinstein@uchicago.edu) with questions or if you believe you may need assistance.


Please join us today at 6pm in the Wilder House to discuss Joy Langston & Javier Aparicio‘s paper “Beyond Incumbency Disadvantage: Why Women Do not Win Legislative Seats.” We hope to see you there!

In addition, we would like to invite you to the conference “Mexico Tomorrow: 2012, Ideas for the future.” The conference will include Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, former mayor of Mexico city, Ernesto Cordero, former Secretary of Social Development, as well as a number of other participants. Visit the conference website for more information and to RSVP.

RENY, Tomorrow!

Please join us in the discussion of Marie-Eve Reny’s paper “Authoritarian Survival and the Politics of Containment: Why Local Governments in China Tolerate Underground Protestant Churches.” Tomorrow, Wednesday February 8th, at 6pm in the Wilder House.

Happy new year! / Schedule for Winter 2012

The Comparative Politics Workshop wishes you a happy new year! We are glad to announce the 2012 Winter quarter schedule, which promises exciting papers from a wide array of fields. So please check the calendar by clicking in the Winter 2012 poster and plan to attend! As a reminder, the workshop meets on Wednesdays at 6 pm, in the Wilder House (5811 S. Kenwood). A map can be found here. As usual, the papers will be sent in advance. If you wish to be added to the mailing list please send us an email (milenaang@uchicago.edu or tislasweinsten@uchicago.edu). Hope to see you soon!

Milena Ang and Tania Islas, workshop coordinators.