Join the Alliance for the Great Lakes on 6/28 for My Beach is Your Beach!
For 25 years, Adopt-a-Beach™ volunteers in Chicago have been removing and categorizing the trash that litters our beaches. This year the Alliance is excited to announce the launch of a pilot campaign to prevent litter from ending up on our beaches in the first place,...
EAF teams up with Alliance for the Great Lakes
#MyBeachisYourBeach “The Lake front by right belongs to the people… Not a foot of its shores should be appropriated by individuals to the exclusion of the people.” The Plan of Chicago, 1909 In a city of over 2.7 million inhabitants, Chicago beaches offer a glimpse...
Final Project Cafes Report and Presentation now available!
In 2015/16, EAF partnered with the Green Chicago Restaurant Coalition, the UChicago Office of Sustainability and Center for Leadership and Involvement to assess the environmental sustainability of Cobb, Ex Libris, Hallowed Grounds and Harper cafes. View the final...
Calumet Quarter 2016 Research Symposium
Classics Building - Room 110 | 1010 E 59th St Join us for a showcase of student research projects from this year's Calumet Quarter! Students in the Program on the Global Environment’s Calumet Quarter are part of an innovative example of cooperative conservation which...
Environmental Studies Thesis Poster Session and Reception
Ida Noyes Hall - Library | 1212 E 59th St The Environmental Studies graduating class presents their BA research at our annual Thesis Poster Session and Reception. Join us any time between 4:30 and 6:30 PM to meet our students and discuss their thesis research. All PGE...
EAF visits Testa Produce!
We visited Testa Produce last week and discovered an amazing array of green practices including solar panels, a wind turbine, rainwater harvesting, a green roofs and so much more. Read more about it as our trip is featured this week on the Chicago Studies Course...
Food Waste: A Rampant Epidemic
When I was in sixth grade, my grade went on a team (class) building retreat at a nature reserve in the suburbs of Baltimore. One of the major themes of the week was reducing “pesolet” – the Hebrew term for food waste. Among the activities that week was a competition,...
The Broken Path from Farm to Table
The world produces enough food to feed 10 billion people. Where’s it all going?
Technology and Agriculture: The challenge of keeping all farmers up-to-date
At the birth of the 20th century, farmers made up about 38% of the U.S. labor force. Now, less than 3% of Americans work in agriculture [1], in part due to global urbanization trends, and in part because of farming’s increased efficiency and specialization. Technology...
Oil and the Environment in Azerbaijan
Effectively addressing issues of climate change requires a concerted global effort. That is the objective of the upcoming climate talks in Paris: to reach an agreement on climate that involves the full, cooperative participation of all the nations in the world. This...