About GRIT

The Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team (GRIT) began as a grassroots student organization and has grown to encompass 18 graduate programs in the Biological Sciences Division (BSD), Physical Sciences Division (PSD), Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME), Department of Psychology, and Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) at the University of Chicago with over 50 members and a dedicated faculty counterpart in the form of the Diversity Council. GRIT is committed to enhancing diversity, inclusion, and equity across these graduate programs. GRIT focuses on three central components: recruitmentretention, and sustainability in order to increase the recruitment and retention of students from marginalized backgrounds. Recruitment is organized by clusters/departments for graduate programs while Retention is organized by five teams devoted towards specific groups.

Information regarding the programs and groups that GRIT works with can be found at Who We Support and leadership of these groups can be found on the Leadership page. Outreach programs associated with the university can be found on the Outreach Page. More information for prospective students can be found on the Prospective Students page. Lastly, information on how to get involved with GRIT as a current graduate student at the University of Chicago can be found on the Get Involved page!

If you’re interested in learning more than what’s available on this website, contact the team at ucgrit@gmail.com with any more questions!


Recent and Upcoming Events

January 25, 2025: GRIT Retreat- The GRIT “retreat” is an annual event, typically hosted on campus on a weekend over winter quarter. Each team (underrepresented minorities, international and immigrant, and LGBTQ+) has selected 1-2 articles that are relevant to their respective groups that will be read and discussed in small groups. Attending is a great way to meet other graduate students from underrepresented and marginalized backgrounds, and it’s an opportunity to learn about issues different groups face in STEM/academia. All graduate students are invited, and postdocs are also welcome to attend if interested.

Want more details? Check out the agenda (schedule breakdown, links to articles, what to expect, etc.) here.

January 8, 2025- Bioscience PhD Interview workshop: Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team (GRIT) is hosting an interview preparation workshop. This will include one-on-one mock interviews and Q&A panels with current PhD students across all PhD programs.

Please RSVP for the virtual event on January 8th at 4:30 PM CST here: https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/94898595140?pwd=Hxa74PPeCZtl2bn1I9SntLO6Mb6fCa.1.










October 23, 2024- Bioscience PhD Personal Statement Workshop: If you’re interested in applying for graduate school and want help revising your application, this workshop is for you! Join students and faculty from the University of Chicago Biological Sciences Division on October 23rd from 4:30-6:30 PM CST over Zoom. Work 1-on-1 with PhD students to craft a narrative that highlights your academic rigor and potential to thrive in graduate school. During the session, we will also have representatives from each PhD program, UChicagoGRAD, Student Wellness & Student Disability Services, the Graduate Student Union, and the Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team. We request that you submit your application draft before the workshop, but you can update your submission during the workshop. Remember that the deadline for UChicago is December 3rd!

Register here: https://uchicago.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEpdu-oqzgqHNCwU1XDruQAUP4aNqEzE0MI

November 13th-16th, 2024- ABRCMS: GRIT representatives will be at Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) from November 13th to November 186h! Keep an eye out for the following students and their schedules, and feel free to reach out to any of them about more questions regarding the university and its programs!

October 31st – Nov 2nd, 2024-SACNAS: Come by our “table” at SACNAS, October 31st – Nov 2nd, to meet our GRIT representatives and learn more about applying and being a student at the University of Chicago!

Cody Hernandez (left) and Mat Perez-Neut (right) are working to expand the GRIT initiative to other institutions.


GRIT co-founder Christina Roman, PhD, meets with faculty advisor Nancy Schwartz, PhD, dean and director of postdoctoral affairs.