by dankrochmal | Jul 16, 2022 | News, Personnel
Karolina came to us from Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw, Poland as a part of Fulbright’s BioLAB program and will stay with us for a year! Karolina will spend her internship on structural characterization of RNA-antibody complexes to gain better...
by dankrochmal | Jun 30, 2022 | News, Publication
Structural Basis for Fluorescence Activation by Pepper RNA Pepper is a fluorogenic RNA aptamer tag that binds to a variety of benzylidene-cyanophenyl (HBC) derivatives with tight affinity and activates their fluorescence. To investigate how Pepper RNA folds to create...
by dankrochmal | Feb 11, 2022 | News, Publication
In January 2022 our group published a new paper in Nature Chemical Biology, where we describe a first crystal structure of a self-alkylating ribozyme along with some insights on the mechanism of reaction. Structural basis for substrate binding and catalysis by a...
by hcrees | Aug 9, 2019 | News, Publication Picornaviral IRES elements are essential for initiating the cap-independent viral translation. However, three-dimensional structures of these elements remain elusive. Here, we report a 2.84-Å resolution crystal...
by hcrees | Jul 25, 2019 | News
Our group is broadly interested in the chemistry and biochemistry of nucleic acids with particular emphasis on RNA and RNA catalysis. The laboratory integrates areas of organic chemistry, physical chemistry, enzymology and molecular biology to gain a fundamental...