PIPES is now the Workshop on International Politics



Oct 09, 1997 Gelphi, Christopher Winners or Losers?: Democracies in International Crisis
Oct 16, 1997 Ward, Carrington Galbraith, Strategic Bombing, and the Foreign Policy Establishment: Burning Bridges with Care
Oct 23, 1997 Meunier, Sophie Talking with a Single Voice: European Integration and EC-US Trade Negotiations
Oct 30, 1997 D’Urso, Jennifer Using the Hajj to Reevaluate International Relations Theory: The Role of Culture in International Relations
Nov 06, 1997 Kahler, Miles Variation in Regional Institutions: The Asia-Pacific Case
Nov 13, 1997 Christensen, Thomas China’s Rise and the Limitations of international Relations Theory
Nov 20, 1997 Goldstein, Judith Legalization, Trade Liberalization and Domestic Politics


Jan 08, 1998 Koremenos, Barbara et al. Rational International Institutions
Jan 15, 1998 Klotz, Audie & Linch, Cecelio Conflicted Constructivism: Positivist Leaning vs. Interpretive Meanings
Jan 29, 1998 Mitchell, Ronald Creatin Insternational Institutions When No One Thinks There’s a Problem: The International Wetlands Convention, Nongovernmental Organizations and Facilitative Management
Feb 05, 1998 Schweller, Randall The Twenty Years’ Crisis, 1919-1939: Why a Concert Didn’t Arise
Feb 12, 1998 TBA
Feb 19, 1998 Oatley, Thomas Liberalizing Inter-European Trade
Feb 26, 1998 Christensen, Thomas Parsimony is No Simple Matter: International Relations Theory, Area Studies and the Rise of China
Mar 05, 1998 Edelstein, David Domestic Political Systems, Perceptions of Interntions, and the Conduct of International Relations


Apr 02, 1998 Cerny, Philip Globalization, Governance and Complexity
Apr 09, 1998 Sobel, Richard Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: The Search for a Paradigm
Apr 16, 1998 Richards, John Towards a Positive Theory of International Institutions
Apr 23, 1998 Ikenberry, G. John Constitutional Politics in International Relations
Apr 30, 1998 Simon, Michael Rogue Leaders, Rational Deterrence, and Proliferation
May 07, 1998 Thompson, Alexander Institutional Design and Compliance in International Commons Management: The Case of Fisheries
May 21, 1998 Glaser, Charles Do Arms Races Cause War
May 28, 1998 Liberman, Peter Civilian Power Alliances