PIPES is now the Workshop on International Politics


“What’s New and Interesting in IR” Intro Session on Thurs, Oct. 9th

Autumn 2014 PIPES presents:


 “What’s New and Interesting in IR”



Jason Ardanowski

Bonnie Chan

Michael Lopate



Thursday, October 9th: 4:30pm-6:30pm

Pick Hall, Room 506

5828 South University Avenue

To access the paper, please sign up to the PIPES mailing list by e-mailing Kevin Weng at:  kevinw89@uchicago.edu

Persons who believe they may need assistance to attend the session should contact Kevin Weng in advance to make arrangements. The PIPES Speakers Series is supported by grants from the Council on Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences and The University of Chicago Division of the Social Sciences.


Henry Nau on Thurs, Oct. 2nd

Autumn 2014 PIPES presents:


 “Ideas Cause Circumstances: A ‘Republican’ not ‘Social’ Constructivism”



Henry Nau

George Washington University, Elliott School of International Affairs


Discussant: Matthias Staisch



Thursday, October 2nd: 4:30pm-6:30pm

Pick Hall, Room 506

5828 South University Avenue

To access the paper, please sign up to the PIPES mailing list by e-mailing Kevin Weng at:  kevinw89@uchicago.edu

At Professor Nau’s request, an addendum to the paper discussing policy implications can be found here: https://www.nationalreview.com/nrd/articles/358318/conservative-internationalism


Persons who believe they may need assistance to attend the session should contact Kevin Weng in advance to make arrangements. The PIPES Speakers Series is supported by grants from the Council on Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences and The University of Chicago Division of the Social Sciences.


PIPES Schedule for Fall 2014


Byman @ PIPES, Thurs, Feb 6

The University of Chicago

Program on International Politics, Economics, and Security


Daniel Byman, Georgetown University

“Exiting the Ivory Tower”


Morgan Kaplan

PIPES meets from 4:30-6:30pm in PICK 506, 5828 S. University Avenue.
Please direct any comments or questions about PIPES to Kevin Weng at kevinw89@uchicago.edu

Download the paper here.



Rasler @ PIPES, Thurs, Jan 23

The University of Chicago

Program on International Politics, Economics, and Security


Karen Rasler, Indiana University, Bloomington

“Dynamics, Endogeneity, and Complexity in Nonviolent Protest Campaigns: Illustrations from the Arab Spring”


Bess Ritter

PIPES meets from 4:30-6:30pm in PICK 506, 5828 S. University Avenue.
Please direct any comments or questions about PIPES to Kevin Weng at kevinw89@uchicago.edu

Download the paper here.



PIPES Schedule for Winter 2014


Feaver @ PIPES, Thursday, Oct. 24

The University of Chicago

Program on International Political Economy and Security


Peter Feaver, Duke University

“How the Military Can Influence American Public Opinion”


Stephanie Kelley

PIPES meets from 4:30-6:30pm in PICK 506, 5828 S. University Avenue.
Please direct any comments or questions about PIPES to Kevin Weng at kevinw89@uchicago.edu

Download the paper here.



Barnes @ PIPES, Thursday, Oct. 17th

The University of Chicago

Program on International Political Economy and Security


Mariel Barnes, University of Chicago

“Obstructing Institutional Change: Why Ahistorical Ideology Sabotages Financial Order Progression”


Matthew Reichert

PIPES meets from 4:30-6:30pm in PICK 506, 5828 S. University Avenue.
Please direct any comments or questions about PIPES to Kevin Weng at kevinw89@uchicago.edu

Download the paper here.



Borzyskowski @ PIPES, Thursday, Oct. 3rd


PIPES Schedule for Autumn 2013