The Religion and the Human Sciences Workshop is happy to announce the schedule for Winter 2018. Our theme this quarter is “Artifacts of Religion.” Meetings will take place on Mondays from 12:00-1:15pm in the Marty Center Library. All events will include lunch!
January 8
Alex Jania, Ph.D. Student in History, will present his paper “For us, the earth still shakes: Thoughts on disaster memorialization in Japan and methodologies of emotional history”.
cosponsored by the East Asia Transregional Histories Workshop
January 22
Alexandra Cotofana, Ph.D. Candidate in Anthropology, Indiana University Bloomington, will present her paper “The importance of a meaningless 1989: Political continuities and religious communists.”
February 5
Justin Smolin, Ph.D. Student in History of Religions, will present his paper “Tāntrika on Trial: The Uncanny Genre of ‘Tantric Horror.’”
March 5
Paride Stortini, Ph.D. Student in History of Religions, will present his paper “Imagining a cosmopolitan ‘Furusato’: India and Buddhism in the Silk Road Imaginaire of Hirayama Ikuo”.
cosponsored by the East Asia Art and Politics Workshop
We hope you can join us!
Marielle Harrison & Rachel Carbonara
Religion and the Human Sciences Workshop Co-Coordinators

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