The Religion and the Human Sciences workshop is happy to announce the schedule for Spring 2018. Our theme this quarter is “Aesthetics of Religion.” This quarter features a few collaborative workshops, so be sure to check the time and place!

April 12
Diane Picio, Ph.D. Student in Religion, Literature, and Visual Culture will present her paper “Representing the Family.”
Swift 201, 12:00pm -1:15pm 
cosponsored by the Religions in America workshop

April 17
Kris Palmieri, Ph.D. Student in History of Science will present her paper “Biblical Criticism and the Transformation of Philology in 18th Century Göttingen.”
Marty Center Library, 12:00pm – 1:15pm 

May 1
Dhruv Nagar, Ph.D. Student in Philosophy of Religions, will present his paper “The Ṛgveda as cosmos-making tool: Vedic semantics of action & the question of the processual prehistory of the Indian philosophical tradition.”
Marty Center Library, 12:00pm – 1:15pm 
cosponsored by the Religion, Literature, and Visual Culture workshop

May 7
Clifford Ando, David B. and Clara E. Stern Professor of Humanities and Professor of Classics, will present his paper “The Discovery of Paganism.”
Swift 200, 4:30pm – 6:00pm
cosponsored by the Early Christian Studies workshop


We hope you can join us!

Rachel Carbonara & Marielle Harrison
Religion and the Human Sciences Workshop Co-Coordinators