Religion, Theory, and Interpretation

A UChicago CAS Study Group

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Xiao-bo Yuan Presentation

Religion & Human Science/Global Chrisitianities Co-Sponsored Workshop Session

Please join both the R&HS and Global X-ianities workshops as they join forces to finish the quarter and welcome a presentation from Anthropology PhD candidate, Xiao-bo Yuan. We will meet at 5:00 pm Tuesday, Dec. 1, in Swift 208. Xiao-bo will present a chapter of her dissertation, which examines the status of Christianity in China. Her chapter is titled, ‘Public Undergrounds and Underground Publics.’ Contact Andrew for a copy of the paper:

Cameron Penwell Presentation

Please join us on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 5:00pm in Swift 208 for a presentation from Cameron Penwell, PhD candidate in History. Cameron will discuss his dissertation chapter entitled, “Protecting the Dharma, Protecting the Nation, Protecting the Weak: The Case of the Great Japan Buddhist Charity Society Foundation.” Feel free to contact Andrew for a copy of the paper: kunze

Drew Durdin Presentation

Thanks to everyone for a great conversation yesterday, and special thanks to Lael for presenting!
Drew Durdin, PhD candidate in History of Religions, will present the second chapter of his dissertation in our next session. The chapter is entitled ‘From Greece to Rome: On the Formation and Transmission of a Concept of “Magic.”‘ In the chapter, Drew analyzes the early uses of the Latin magia by the Roman elite, especially Cicero, with special attention to the category’s ethnic and political components. Email Andrew for a copy of the paper:
The chapter looks fascinating, so please join us: Tuesday, November 3 at 5:00pm in Swift 208.
And after the workshop, we will join the History of Religions club for a reception (location tbd) to welcome Drew back to campus.

Lael Weinberger Presentation

Please join us next week for a presentation from Lael Weinberger, PhD Student with the Law School and History Department. Lael will present a new chapter from his dissertation entitled ‘Natural Law and American Legal Thought in the Years before Nuremberg.’ Please contact Andrew work a copy of the paper:
We will meet in Swift 208 at 5pm on Tuesday, Oct. 27.
See you there!

Bruce Lincoln Presentation

          Thanks to all for a fascinating conversation with Professor Warmind! It was a great way to start the academic year.
          Continuing our conversation next week, Professor Bruce Lincoln will present his paper ‘The Perils of Comparison: Ancient and Modern Interpretations of the Scythian *A-naryas.‘ Contact me at and I will be happy to send you a copy. Please read the paper beforehand. Professor Lincoln will provide a brief introduction to the argument at the start of our session, but most of our time will be spent in Q&A.
          We will meet same time, same place: 5:00pm Tuesday, Oct. 13 in Swift Hall room 208. Light refreshments provided.
See you there,

Exciting Times!

We are excited to announce that R&HS will host Professor Morten Warmind from the University of Copenhagen to initiate our Fall 2015 schedule! Professor Warming’s talk, entitled ‘What Happened to Christianity in the Fourth Century?’ will be delivered on Tuesday, October 6th at 5:00pm in Swift 208. The talk’s abstract is listed below.

Professor Bruce Lincoln’s session with the workshop (originally scheduled for the 6th) is now re-scheduled for the following Tuesday, October 13th.


What happened to Christianity in the fourth century?

The fourth century was a time of upheaval in the Roman Empire. Changes in administration, government and daily life became more and more intrusive as the religion of the Christian minority was promoted by successive emperors (barring Julian). But probably far more, the religion and identity of the Christians underwent changes. Some changes were subtle – like the gradual public emergence of a religion that had been largely based on secret rituals. Other changes were more conspicuous, such as the demands for harmony and agreement from the Emperors, which opened discussions that became more and more divisive. Further, the sudden popularity of the movement produced significant changes in the nature of Christian collective identity, changes that are sometimes overlooked in discussions of the Christianization process.

Meeting Time & Place

Hey Workshoppers,

This year our workshop will meet Tuesdays, 5:00-6:30pm. Our first session will meet in Swift Hall, room 208 on Tuesday, Oct 6, at 5pm.

More later,


Fall 2015 Schedule

Our bi-weekly meetings will feature the following presenters this fall:

3rd Week – Bruce Lincoln, Caroline E. Haskell Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Religions in the Divinity School

5th Week – Lael Weinberger, History Dept. PhD candidate & Law School JD1 student

6th Week – Drew Durdin, Divinity School PhD candidate in History of Religions

8th Week – Cameron Penwell, History Dept. PhD candidate

10th Week – Xiao-bo Yuan, Anthropology Dept. PhD candidate in Cultural Anthropology


Our precise day and time of meeting are still tbd, so stay tuned.


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