Dec 3: Cecilia Zhang, PhD student in Art History
“Shanghai’s Paramount Ballroom in the 1930s: an Architectural and Modern Social Space”
Nov 19: Jenn Sichel, PhD candidate in Art History
“Jill Johnston Exposed”
Oct 29: Christine Zappella, PhD student in Art History
Oct 8: Luke A. Fidler, PhD student in Art History, “The Praxis of the Tractrix,”Respondent: Solveig Nelson, PhD candidate in Art History
March 11: Caroline Schopp, PhD candidate in Art History
“Reaping and Vacuum Cleaning: Richard Hamilton’s Pop in Perspective”
Feb 25: Hilary Barker, PhD student in Art History
“Pinturicchio in Rome: The Proliferation of Grottesche in Fresco”
Feb 11: Hanne Graversen, PhD student in Art History
“Under Construction: Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty and the U.S. Interstate Highway System”
Feb 5: Conference Prep Session
Kelli Wood, PhD candidate in Art History
“Power over the Piazza: Civic Ritual and Quotidian Play in Cinquecento Florence”
Kristopher Driggers, PhD student in Art History
“Chalchiuhtotoli? Annotating the Aztec Deity Image in the Codex Telleriano-Remensis”
Luke Fidler, PhD student in Art History
“The Funerary Fabrics of Úbeda”
Jan 28: Gregg Flaxman, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation New Directions Fellow 2014-2105, Associate Professor, Department of English and Comparative Literature, UNC-Chapel Hill
“Off Frame: The Art History of a Cinematic Conceit”
Jan 14: Jadine Collingwood, PhD candidate in Art History
“Fictive Work: Managerial Lyricism in Contemporary Art”
June 3: Michael Schaffner, PhD candidate in History, Universität Basel
“Ornamental Economics: Gold Objects and their Transformation in Urban Societies of the Upper Rhine around 1600″
May 20: David Recksieck, PhD student in Art History
“Natural History and Brazil as Eden in Willem Piso’s Historia Naturalis Brasiliae”
May 13: Marie-Madeleine Ozdoba, PhD candidate in Visual Studies and Cultural History, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)
“Modern architecture, popular media and representations of the American future during the Cold War”
May 6: Leslie Wilson, PhD candidate in Art History
“In the Time of Color: David Goldblatt’s Intersections”
April 22: Catalina Ospina, PhD student in Art History
“Chewing Surfaces in the Colonial Northern Andes”
April 8: Meekyung MacMurdie, PhD candidate in Art History
“Geometric Medicine: aniconism and Arab painting”