Tingting Xu, Department of Art History:
“Walking in Panorama: The Photographic Shanghai Bund in Kung Tai’s Accordion Albums.”
No pre-circulated paper.
Dr. Richard Neer, Chair, Department of Art History:
“Amber, Oil and Fire: Greek Art after Materials”
Respondent: Dr. Patrick Crowley, Department of Art History
No pre-circulated paper.
Beth Woodward, Department of Art History:
Medieval, Dissertation Chapter, Title TBD.
Respondent: Carly Boxer, Department of Art History
**Note different day/ time. Lunch will be provided.
Anne Feng, Department of Art History:
“Water, Ice, Lapis Lazuli: The Making of a Buddhist Paradise through the Sixteen Meditations in 7th-8th Century China”
Respondent: Luke Fidler, Department of Art HistoryWednesday, November 30 @ 4:30pm
Andrew Bearnot, Department of Visual Arts:
“Molecular Movement; A Social Alchemical”
Respondent: Hanne Graverson, Department of Art History
January 4, 2017 @4:30pm
Claudia Brittenham: “Sculpture at Yaxchilan Structure 23, or, the glorious futility of the Maya lintel”
Professor, Art History
Respondent: Wu Hung, Professor, Art History
No pre-circulated paper
Dongshan Zhang: Qualifying Paper: “Mutilating the Scripture: On A Sixth-century Chinese Monk Calligrapher”
PhD Student, Art History
Respondent: Melissa Horn, PhD Student, Art History
No pre-circulated paper.
Elliot J. Reichert: Lecture on “Qalandiya International 2016,” the third iteration of a Palestinian-organized biennial spread across Jerusalem, various sites in the Occupied Territories, and satellite locations including Beirut, Israel, and London
Elliot Reichert is a Chicago-based critic and curator, Art Editor of Newcity, and formerly the Assistant Curator at the Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University.
No pre-circulated paper.
*Please note the change in date and location.
Special Event: College Art Association Annual Conference Practice Session
Savannah Esquivel; “To Delight or Deceive: Toward a Mendicant Theory of Color in Sixteenth-Century Mexican Mural Painting”
Jin Xu: “From Chang’an to Athens: Wang Ziyun (1897–1990), He Zhenghuang (1914–1994), and Global Art History in Twentieth-Century China”
Jadine Collingwood: “ ‘However hard you try it’s always tomorrow’: Liam Gillick’s “What If? Scenario”
PhD Candidates, Art History
This session will be held from 5-7pm. A catered dinner will be served.
No pre-circulated papers.February 22, 2017:
PhD Student, Art History
Respondent: Nora Lambert, PhD Student, Art History
Alanna Radlo-Dzur: The Spider in Her Web of Time, Space, and the Body: Plate 72 of the Codex Borgia
MAPH, Art History
Respondent: Angie Epifano, PhD Student, Art History
Special Event!
April 12 @ 4:30-6:30pm
MAPH Thesis Presentations
Celeste Cruz-Carandang, Rachel Du, Anna Orton-Hatzis (Art History MAPH students)
There will be no pre-circulated paper for this event.
Please note that this event is 2 hours long.
April 19 @ 12pm
Christine Zappella, Art History PhD Student
“Constructing Florentine Identity at the Funeral of Cosimo I de’ Medici”
Respondent: Hilary Barker, Art History PhD Student
May 17 @ 12pm
Dr. Federica Caneparo, Post-Doctoral Scholar in Italian Studies
Respondent: Dr. Niall Atkinson, Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Art History
May 10 @ 4:30pm
Jesse Lockard, Art History PhD Candidate
Respondent: Matt Hubbell, Cinema Media Studies PhD Candidate
May 24 @ 12pm
Savannah Esquivel, Art History PhD Candidate
Respondent: Daniel Phillips, Art History PhD Candidate
Special Event!
May 31 @ 4:30
Dr. Chris Lakey, Assistant Professor of Art History, Johns Hopkins University
This event is co-sponsored with the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop.
Location TBD.