Research in Art & Visual Evidence

Presenting at RAVE in 2024-25


If you would like to present, please fill out this application by Friday, January 3rd. One of the workshop coordinators will get back to you shortly after the deadline.

Applications for Spring 2025 will be solicited nearer the end of Winter Quarter.

Alan Longino (1987-2024)

The Research in Art and Visual Evidence (RAVE) Workshop invites graduate students, faculty, and visitors to present works-in-progress in a welcoming, collegiate, and intellectually engaging atmosphere. We welcome projects that take up material culture or treat visual materials in any capacity whatsoever.

Though RAVE is organized by PhD students in the Department of Art History, we as co-coordinators want to cast as wide a net with our communications as we can, believing that the workshop would benefit from attendees engaging in as diverse a range of scholarly interests and pursuits as possible. We’re hoping to make RAVE truly interdisciplinary, an aspiration attested to by the fact that, for the first time in the workshop’s history, we are ensuring that our emails reach practically every department in the Humanities Division, as well as a number within the Social Sciences Division.

Like last year, we are offering the option of presenting either in person or over Zoom. We would like to emphasize, however, that this option is intended for individuals unable to travel to Chicago to present, rather than for possible attendees who cannot make it to campus for any given session of the workshop. In other words, we anticipate serious attempts to keep Zoom elements to an absolute minimum, and we are as yet unsure if virtual attendance will be an option as we move forward. (Experience appears to prove time and again that the edifying rigorousness of a workshop conversation is inversely proportional to the extent to which that conversation proceeds primarily virtually.)

Contact Lucia Neirotti ( or Aidan Valante ( with any questions.