Revista Væranda

Explorations francophones

This series of haikus was written by Sylvie Goutas’ FREN 205 students in the Autumn Quarter 2021. The writing process started during a French creative writing workshop that focused on Francophonie. Each student was offered to explore a francophone country of their...
Immersive Reality by Nicole Mills

Immersive Reality by Nicole Mills

The concept of vision is described as “the sensory experience of a future goal state” (Dörnyei & Chan, p. 455). When foreign language students envision their future goals, they create vivid mental representations of “what success looks like and feels like” (Levin,...
Atelier cuisine avec Prof Rebecca

Atelier cuisine avec Prof Rebecca

Rendez-vous le dimanche 14 février à 14h pour un atelier cuisine avec Prof Rebecca! 🤩👩🏼‍🍳Au programme: gâteau au yaourt, une recette super facile à faire et délicieuse 😋. Mark your calendars, Sunday February 14th @ 2pm, join us for a French cook along with Prof...