by jsaccomani | Dec 9, 2024 | Culture, Literature, Romanian, Student text
Are you interested in poetry? Check out the poems below translated by Elena Alexandra Balan, a UChicago student from Romania. Enjoy! * please note that the website does not support all of the diacritics used in Romanian. They were used in the original poems but they...
by nicolasportugal | Jan 5, 2024 | Creative, Culture, French, language, Literature, Student text
Annaliese Vorhees (La France): L’étudiante Par l’École du Louvre La chaleur de l’Isle est portée L’art n’est pas français Noah Ravenelle (Le Canada/Québec): L’hiver Dans les montagnes blanches On écoute le grand silence Étouffé de neige Savanah Lares (Le Sénégal):...
by nicolasportugal | Jan 3, 2024 | Creative, Culture, French, language, Literature, Student text
Charles Baudelaire vivait à une époque de changement rapide et de modernisation énorme. Le transport, l’industrie, la technique : tout se développait à un rythme hâtif. Ses poèmes incluent des réflexions profondes sur ces changements, particulièrement dans « Le...
by jsaccomani | Sep 25, 2023 | Culture, Italian, Literature
Days ago someone spoke on the issue of abortion with series and pointed words, it was Franco Rodano, in a daily news article released the 28th January. This article is called Abortion and Clericalism. This is a good and civil article; among some of the most good and...
by nicolasportugal | Jul 24, 2023 | Culture, French, Literature, Student text
Sudeeti is in the MAPH program with a concentration in philosophy. She is also doing French language studies and plans to study German and Greek. She enjoys reading Aristotle and Freud. She thinks the best writing she has ever read has been in French. Sudeeti chose...
by nicolasportugal | Jul 24, 2023 | Creative, Culture, French, Literature, Student text
Cliquez ici pour accéder aux Haïkus. These haikus were written as part of the class FREN 205 “Écrire en français” taught by Dr. Sylvie Goutas in Winter...