by jsaccomani | Apr 19, 2024 | Culture, language, Portuguese, Student text
The archipelago of Madeira was first discovered during the Age of Discovery by two captains named João Gonçalves Zarco and Tristão Vaz Teixeira in 1419 when they were blown off course in a storm and reached the island Porto Santo. A year later, in 1420, an expedition...
by jsaccomani | Apr 5, 2024 | Culture, Portuguese
After winning the Davis Project for Peace, Diego Pizano and Vinicius Campos set out to reform a neglected soccer field in Rio de Janeiro’s Morro Dos Macacos neighborhood to promote peace through sports. Watch the transformation and impact the new field has on...
by jsaccomani | Mar 15, 2024 | Culture, language, Portuguese, Student text
Every language has its own unique terms that have no equal in other languages. One of these untranslatable words is the term saudade, a Portuguese and Galician word. Suadade is often described as an emotional state of nostalgia or longing, usually with a melancholic...
by jsaccomani | Oct 21, 2023 | Culture, Portuguese, Student text
Sébastien Vernhes was a student in the Elementary Course of Portuguese (first year sequence) and received the Foreign Language Acquisition Grant (FLAG) to study in Brazil and Portugal. In this text he tells us about his explorations with the language, the culture, and...
by jsaccomani | May 17, 2023 | Culture, Portuguese, Student text
No Brasil, as pessoas tomam uma bebida chamada chimarrão. Sendo Argentino, eu cresci com erva mate, que é parecida ao chimarrão. As bebidas se originam dos Guaranis, um povo indígena que viveu no Paraguai, Bolívia e Uruguai. Eles consumiram a erva mate por sua...
by jsaccomani | Mar 27, 2023 | Creative, Portuguese, Student text
Para mim, a primavera representa a oportunidade de crescer como pessoa e como pensador e estudante. É a oportunidade de renascer e recuperar a esperança de criança, que é um ser que pode ver com olhos novos um mundo cheio das possibilidades. Eu sei que cada dia eu...