Publications 2000-2009
Methodological publications in PDF form for 2000-2009 in reverse chronological order.
- Demirtas H, Hedeker D, & Kapur K (2009). A comparative study on most commonly used correlated binary data generation methods. Advances and Applications in Statistical Sciences, 1:45-55. pdf file
- Hedeker D, Demirtas H, & Mermelstein RJ. (2009). A mixed ordinal location scale model for analysis of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) data. Statistics and Its Interface, 2:391-402. pdf file
- Hedeker D, Mermelstein RJ, Berbaum ML, & Campbell RT (2009). Modeling mood variation associated with smoking: An application of a heterogeneous mixed-effects model for analysis of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) data. Addiction, 104:297-307. pdf file supplementary materials
- Demirtas H & Hedeker D (2008). An imputation strategy for incomplete longitudinal ordinal data. Statistics in Medicine, 27:4086-4093. pdf file
- Demirtas H & Hedeker D (2008). Multiple imputation under power polynomials. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 37:1682-1695. pdf file
- Demirtas H & Hedeker D. (2008). Imputing continuous data under some non-Gaussian distributions. Statistica Neerlandica, 62:193-205. pdf file
- Hedeker D (2008). Multilevel models for ordinal and nominal variables. In J. de Leeuw & E. Meijer (Eds.), Handbook of Multilevel Analysis (pp. 237-274). Springer, New York. pdf file
- Hedeker D, Mermelstein RJ, & Demirtas H. (2008). An application of a mixed-effects location scale model for analysis of Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) data. Biometrics, 64: 627-634. pdf file supplementary materials
- Siddique J, Brown CH, Hedeker D, Duan N, Gibbons RD, & Miranda J (2008). Missing data in longitudinal trials – Part B: Analytic issues. Psychiatric Annals, 38:793-801. pdf file
- Demirtas H, Arguelles LM, Chung H, & Hedeker D. (2007). On the performance of bias-reduction techniques for variance estimation in approximate Bayesian bootstrap imputation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51:4064-4068. pdf file
- Demirtas H & Hedeker D (2007). Gaussianization-based quasi-imputation and expansion strategies for incomplete correlated binary data. Statistics in Medicine, 26:782-799. pdf file
- Gibbons RD, Bock RD, Hedeker D, Weiss D, Segawa S, Bhaumik D, Kupfer D, Frank E, Grochocinski V, & Stover A. (2007). Full-information item bi-factor analysis of graded response data. Applied Psychological Measurement, 31:4-19. pdf file
- Hedeker D & Mermelstein RJ (2007). Mixed-effects regression models with heterogeneous variance: Analyzing ecological momentary assessment data of smoking. In TD Little, JA Bovaird, & NA Card (Eds.), Modeling Contextual Effects in Longitudinal Studies. Erlbaum: Mahwah, NJ. pdf file supplementary materials
- Hedeker D, Mermelstein RJ, & Demirtas H (2007). Analysis of binary outcomes with missing data: missing=smoking, last observation carried forward, and a little multiple imputation. Addiction, 102:1564-1573. pdf file sas code sas code description dataset
- Leon AC & Hedeker D (2007). Quintile stratification based on a misspecified propensity score in longitudinal treatment effectiveness analyses of ordinal doses. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51:6114-6122. pdf file
- Leon AC & Hedeker D. (2007). A comparison of mixed-effects quantile stratification propensity adjustment strategies for longitudinal treatment effectiveness analyses of continuous outcomes. Statistics in Medicine, 26:2650-2665. pdf file
- Leon AC, Hedeker D, & Demirtas H (2007). Bias reduction with an adjustment for participants’ intent to dropout of a randomized controlled clinical trial. Clinical Trials, 4:540-547. pdf file
- Leon AC, Hedeker D, & Teres JJ (2007). Bias reduction in effectiveness analyses of longitudinal ordinal doses with a mixed-effects propensity adjustment. Statistics in Medicine, 26:110-123. pdf file
- Spring B, Pagoto S, Knatterud G, Kozak A, & Hedeker D (2007). Examination of the analytic quality of behavioral health randomized clinical trials. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 63:53-71. pdf file
- Hedeker D, Berbaum M, & Mermelstein RJ (2006). Location-scale models for multilevel ordinal data: between- and within-subjects variance modeling. Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, 4:1-20. pdf file supplementary materials
- Hedeker D, Mermelstein RJ, & Flay BR (2006). Application of item response theory models for intensive longitudinal data. In TA Walls & JL Schafer (Eds.), Models for Intensive Longitudinal Data (pp. 84-108). Oxford University Press, New York. pdf file supplementary materials
- Liu LC & Hedeker D (2006). A mixed-effects regression model for longitudinal multivariate ordinal data. Biometrics, 62:261-268. pdf file
- Hedeker D (2005). Generalized linear mixed models. In B. Everitt & D. Howell (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science. Wiley, New York. pdf file
- Leon AC & Hedeker D (2005). A mixed-effects propensity adjustment for effectiveness analyses of ordered categorical doses. Statistics in Medicine, 24:647-658. pdf file
- Raman R & Hedeker D (2005). Mixed-effects regression models for three-level ordinal response data. Statistics in Medicine, 24:3331-3345. pdf file
- Hedeker D (2004). An introduction to growth modeling. In D Kaplan (Ed.), The Sage Handbook of Quantitative Methodology for the Social Sciences (pp. 215-234). Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. pdf file
- Hedeker D (2003). A mixed-effects multinomial logistic regression model. Statistics in Medicine, 22:1433-1446. pdf file
- Hur K, Hedeker D, Henderson WG, Khuri S, & Daley J (2002). Modeling clustered count data with excess zeros in health care outcomes research. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 3:5-20. pdf file
- Hall SM, Delucchi K, Velicer W, Kahler C, Ranger-Moore J, Hedeker D, Tsoh J, & Niaura R (2001). Statistical analysis of randomized trials in tobacco treatment. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 3:193-202. pdf file
- Xie H, McHugo G, Sengupta A, Hedeker D, & Drake R (2001). An application of the thresholds of change model to the analysis of mental health data. Mental Health Services Research, 3:107-114. pdf file
- Xu W & Hedeker D (2001). A random-effects mixture model for classifying treatment response in longitudinal clinical trials. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 11:253-273. pdf file
- Gibbons RD & Hedeker D (2000). Application of mixed-effects models in biostatistics. Sankhya, Series B, 62:70-103. pdf file
- Hedeker D & Mermelstein RJ (2000). Analysis of longitudinal substance use outcomes using ordinal random-effects regression models. Addiction, 95 (Supplement 3):S381-S394. pdf file
- Hedeker D & Rose JS (2000). The natural history of smoking: a pattern-mixture random-effects regression model. In J.S. Rose, L. Chassin, C.C. Presson, S.J. Sherman, (Eds.), Multivariate Applications in Substance Use Research (pp. 79-112). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pdf file
- Hedeker D, Siddiqui O, & Hu F B (2000). Random-effects regression analysis of correlated grouped-time survival data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 9:161-179. pdf file