Mercedes in Palma de Mallorca at Econet21

Mercedes had a wonderful time in Palma de Mallorca where she gave two invited lectures: one, a plenary in the V Symposium on Ecological Networks (Econet 21, organized by IMEDEA and IFISC this year); the other, a public lecture in Spanish on marine ecosystems entitled...

New COVID-19 paper published in PNAS

Rahul, Qixin, and Mercedes' new paper on the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 during the initial invasion in New York City from March-June 2020 was recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Using a mathematical model which was fit to...

Our lab is going to EEID 2019!

Between 10-13 of June our lab is going to present several research projects at the Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases conference in Princeton. Shai will give a talk on "“The dynamic and non-neutral genetic strain structure of Plasmodium falciparum with...

Mauricio defended his thesis!

Today Mauricio defended his PhD thesis! With 7 publications in top journals like Science and Nature Ecology and Evolution, Mauricio's PhD was incredibly productive and provided important insights into spatio-temporal patterns and dynamics of disease transmission in...