New paper published on relative humidity as driver of inter-annual variability of urban malaria
Thank you Mauricio and Pamela (former graduate students, now in their respective faculty jobs at the Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia, and The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and our partners in India, for this work. Here, we show that the interannual...
New paper on the role of temperature and humidity in waves of COVID-19
There has been much discussion on whether climate factors influence the temporal dynamics of Covid19. In this paper by Xavier Rodó et al., we provide evidence for a role of temperature and humidity. Seasonality of wintertime respiratory infections in temperate regions...
Cover runners-up for Nature Communications in 2021
Thank you to the artist, Lluc Rodó De Yebra! We almost made it! Take a look here.
Mercedes in Palma de Mallorca at Econet21
Mercedes had a wonderful time in Palma de Mallorca where she gave two invited lectures: one, a plenary in the V Symposium on Ecological Networks (Econet 21, organized by IMEDEA and IFISC this year); the other, a public lecture in Spanish on marine ecosystems entitled...
Congratulations Dr. Rahul Subramanian!
Congratulations Dr. Rahul Subramanian for graduating with a wonderful thesis on the population dynamics of dengue! Congratulations also for the quantitative fellowship at NIH!
New paper on prediction of dengue wave dynamics via fine-scale population heterogeneity
Congratulations to Victoria Romeo-Aznar (former postdoc, now in her faculty position in Buenos Aires) and to our co-authors from Brazil, for this paper. Here, we discover an intriguing pattern in the size of successive epidemic waves of dengue in the megacity of Rio...
New paper on how frequency-dependent competition between strains enhances the persistence of malaria transmission systems published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Qixin, Shai, and Mercedes' new paper with collaborators Kathryn Tiedje and Karen Day at the University of Melbourne has just been published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution in the section Models in Ecology and Evolution. The paper shows how Plasmodium falcipuram...
New commentary on how deforestation influences the risk of malaria published in eLife
Mercedes and her collaborator Andres Baeza's essay has just been published in e-Life. The commentary discusses how combining spatial and temporal data is helping researchers to understand how deforestation influences the risk of malaria. Forests can act as reservoirs...
New paper on the effect of climate ‘slowdown’ on malaria transmission in the highlands of Ethiopia published in Nature Communications
Mercedes and her collaborators' new paper showing that a decline in malaria cases in the highlands of Ethiopia was driven by a transient slowdown in global warming and associated changes in climate variability was recently published in Nature Communications! Their...
Celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month at the Santa Fe Institute!
Mercedes has been featured in a new twitter thread put together by the Santa Fe Institute for International Women's Day and Women's History Month! The thread showcases a small slice of the enormous contributions to science women have made at the institute. Check out...
New paper on thresholds for antigenic diversity for falciparum malaria transmission at high endemicity published in PLOS Computational Biology
Qixin and Mercedes' new paper deriving a threshold for antigenic diversity for falciparum malaria transmission in regions where malaria is highly endemic was recently published in PLOS Computational Biology. In regions where falciparum malaria is highly endemic, the...
New COVID-19 paper published in PNAS
Rahul, Qixin, and Mercedes' new paper on the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 during the initial invasion in New York City from March-June 2020 was recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Using a mathematical model which was fit to...
Our lab is going to EEID 2019!
Between 10-13 of June our lab is going to present several research projects at the Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases conference in Princeton. Shai will give a talk on "“The dynamic and non-neutral genetic strain structure of Plasmodium falciparum with...
A new paper investigates the link between the abundance of mosquitoes and the density of humans in models for vector-borne infections
In a new paper, Victoria Romero-Aznar, a postdoc in the lab, Mercedes, and french colleagues Richard Paul (Pasteur Inst.) and Olivier Telle (CNRS; CNS, Delhi), examine the neglected and poorly understood link between the abundance of mosquitoes and the density of...
Mercedes and Shai will teach the course Networks in Ecology and Evolution
This quarter, Mercedes and Shai will teach their course on Networks in Ecology and Evolution for the second time. This unique course is an introduction to the varied topics within the sub-discipline of Network Ecology, including network structure, dynamics, models of...
Shai is on a visit to ICElab in Umea University, Sweden
This week Shai went to visit Martin Rosvall at the ICELab, to discuss ideas on the interface between ecology and network science.
Our paper is featured in Nature Communications special collection on Complexity Research!
Our paper, with Qixin as lead author, was selected by Nature Communications' editors for the special collection on complexity research.
Mauricio defended his thesis!
Today Mauricio defended his PhD thesis! With 7 publications in top journals like Science and Nature Ecology and Evolution, Mauricio's PhD was incredibly productive and provided important insights into spatio-temporal patterns and dynamics of disease transmission in...
Shai wins 2nd place in NetSci2018’s best talk pitch
Shai will be presenting his research on ecological multilayer networks at NetSci2018 in Paris. As part of the Young Investigator Awards, his video pitch for the talk won the second place! See more about his research here.
A new paper on identifying signatures of immune selection in populations of Plasmodium falciparum
Qixin's paper "Networks of genetic similarity reveal non-neutral processes shape strain structure in Plasmodium falciparum" is now published in Nature Communications. In the paper we use network theory to identify signatures of immune selection in Plasmodium...