Save The Dates! (Spring ’16)

Workshop on the Philosophy of Religions

Spring Quarter Schedule Preview

Tuesday, April 5, 4:30pm, Swift Common Room

John Cottingham (University of Reading)

“Transcending Science: Humane Models of Religious Understanding”

Tuesday, April 26, 4:30pm, Swift Hall, 3rd Floor Lecture Hall

Alain de Libera (Collège de France)

“Philosophical archeology and deconstruction. Towards an archeology of the

Responses by Jean-Luc Marion and Ryan Coyne.


Thursday, May 19, 12:00pm, Swift Hall Common Room

Jonardon Ganeri (NYU)

“Why Philosophy Must Go Global”

Lunch served.

Thursday, May 26 4:30pm, Swift Hall, 3rd Floor Lecture Hall

Symposium on Heidegger’s Confessions: The Remains of Saint Augustine in “Being and Time” and Beyond

Ryan Coyne (UChicago)

Gregory Fried (Suffolk University)

Jean-Luc Marion (UChicago)

Tuesday, May 31, 4:30pm, location TBA

Hector Varela-Rios (Theology)

Title TBA

The Workshop on the Philosophy of Religions is committed to maintaining itself as a fully accessible and inclusive workshop.  Please contact Workshop Coordinator Anil Mundra ( in order to make any arrangements necessary to facilitate your participation in workshop events.