Dan Arnold, Ryan Coyne, Sarah Hammerschlag, and Brook Ziporyn
Professors, Philosophy of Religions, University of Chicago Divinity School
What is Philosophy of Religions?
Monday, October 7, 12:30 – 1:20 PM, Swift 208
Lunch Provided
Join us to discuss the question “What is Philosophy of Religions?” with members of the PR faculty. Professors Dan Arnold, Ryan Coyne, Sarah Hammerschlag, and Brook Ziporyn will share their perspectives on the field, its contemporary challenges, and what it means to “do PR” in the Divinity School. The majority of the panel will be dedicated to student questions. All are welcome!
Please contact workshop coordinators Rebekah Rosenfeld (rrosenfeld@uchicago.edu) and William Underwood (wunderwood@uchicago.edu) with any questions concerning this event.