Research in Art & Visual Evidence


FALL 2021

October 6 | Welcome Reception
CWAC Courtyard, 4:30-6pm

October 20 | May Peterson (PhD Student, Art History)
“A Matter of Life and Death: Early Medieval Experiments in Incarnation, Inhumation, and Representation”
Respondent: Alice Casalini, PhD Candidate, Art History

November 3 | Toby Wu (MAPH Student, Art History)
“Aesthetic Tensions in Water Mediations of the Cold War—Seascapes, Performance & Gameplay in Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba’s Memorial Project Series (2001-2014)”

November 17 [REMOTE] | Zhenru Zhou (PhD Candidate, Art History)
“Animated Architecture: Picturing Pagodas through the Cave-Temples of Dunhuang, China, 850-1000 CE”

December 8 | Seth Estrin (Assistant Professor of Art History and the College)
“The Figure of the Slave on Classical Attic Funerary Monuments”


January 28 | Brandon Sward [Co-Hosted with Disability Studies Workshop]
“’My practice is staying alive’: Critique and care in the sculptures of Emily Barker”
Respondent: Sila Ulug, PhD Student, Art History

February 2 | Maria Kuran (MAPH Student, Art History)
“Mona Hatoum: Transforming Tate Modern”
Respondent: Alan Longino, PhD Student, Art History

February 9 | Maggie Borowitz (PhD Candidate, Art History)
“Alternative Press and Politics: from Felipe Ehrenberg in London to Feminism in Mexico City”

March 9 | Federica Caneparo [Co-Hosted with Early Modern and Mediterranean Worlds Workshop]
“Petrarch’s Triumphs and early modern mural painting”


April 6 | QP Symposium I & Happy Hour Reception
4:30-5:00: Trevor Brandt, “Sign of Sin: The Vädersolstavlan Painting in Stockholm’s Memory”
5:00-6:00: Happy Hour (Woodlawn Tap)

April 13, 12-2pm (lunch provided, CWAC 153) | QP Symposium II
12:00-12:30: Cybele Tom, “Impressing the Eye: A New Motif of Veronica and her Veil in Early Painting from Cologne”
12:30-1:00: Salimeh Hosseini, “Tool of Craft or Homage to Profession? A Study of a Qajar Architectural Tablet”
1:00-1:30: Alan Longino, “Dusti Bongé, Reworking Material”
1:30-2:00: Cole Gruber, “Can Art(’s History) be Universalized? On Hegel and Prehistory”

April 27 | Megan Bickel (MA Student, Digital Studies)
“Science Fiction, Future Memory, and Effective Digital Solastalgia”

May 11 | Katerina Korola, PhD (Teaching Fellow, Humanities Division)
“Photosensitive Skin: Lebenresform Photography and the Open-Air Nude”

May 25 | Alice Casalini (PhD Candidate, Art History)
“Looking as ‘spiritual exercise:’ the case of central pillar caves in the rock monasteries of Kuča”
Respondent: Li Jiang (PhD Student, Art History)