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Oct 21, 2020
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Portuguese in the Real World: An Immersive Journey in Brazil
This past September, I visited Brazil for the first time! Though I had been independently studying Portuguese for several years, I took the Intensive Business Portuguese course at the University of Chicago last spring. The classroom experience inspired me to finally...

Os sistemas de educação no Brasil
This text was written after discussions and work done in the class PORT 216 "Exploring the Lusophone World: New Perspectives in Portuguese Language and Culture" taught by Juliano SaccomaniQuando se fala do crescimento de um país, tenho certeza que um dos pontos mais...

A cultura de exercício e esporte no Brasil
Sébastien Vernhes wa a student in the Intermediate Course of Portuguese (second year sequence) and received the Foreign Language Acquisition Grant (FLAG) in 2022 to study in Brazil and Portugal. In this text he tells us about sports culture in Brazil.O Brasil é...

O empreendedorismo no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos
This text was written as part of a final paper for the course PORT145 - Portuguese for the Professions: Intensive Business PortugueseO empreendedorismo é um tema quente hoje em dia no mundo dos negócios. Para onde quer que se olhe, há novas empresas que esperam deixar...

Funk: A Música Proibida
Quando se fala de música brasileira, os gêneros como Bossa Nova e Samba são comumente mencionados. E com justa razão, eles e outros gêneros musicais mudaram a cultura brasileira, virando ela à cultura colorida, feliz e animada que o mundo conhece. Apesar disso, se...

Dois jogadores de classe mundial
Vinícius Junior é um jovem jogador de futebol brasileiro que tem conquistado o mundo com seu talento e habilidades extraordinárias. Nascido no Rio de Janeiro em 12 de julho de 2000, ele cresceu em uma comunidade modesta, onde o futebol era uma paixão compartilhada por...

History of Madeira
The archipelago of Madeira was first discovered during the Age of Discovery by two captains named João Gonçalves Zarco and Tristão Vaz Teixeira in 1419 when they were blown off course in a storm and reached the island Porto Santo. A year later, in 1420, an expedition...

Diego Pizano – Awardee of Davis Project for Peace
After winning the Davis Project for Peace, Diego Pizano and Vinicius Campos set out to reform a neglected soccer field in Rio de Janeiro's Morro Dos Macacos neighborhood to promote peace through sports. Watch the transformation and impact the new field has on the...

Every language has its own unique terms that have no equal in other languages. One of these untranslatable words is the term saudade, a Portuguese and Galician word. Suadade is often described as an emotional state of nostalgia or longing, usually with a melancholic...

Minha experiência com a bolsa FLAG
Sébastien Vernhes was a student in the Elementary Course of Portuguese (first year sequence) and received the Foreign Language Acquisition Grant (FLAG) to study in Brazil and Portugal. In this text he tells us about his explorations with the language, the culture, and...