Welcome to the Workshop!

Thanks to everyone who helped us chime in the new academic year yesterday! If you couldn’t make it, don’t worry — now is when the real work/fun begins. We will officially launch our year-long contemplation on the koan “What is the Philosophy of Religions?” with the illustrious
Amy Hollywood (Harvard) “On the True, the Real, and and Critique in the Study of Religion” on Friday, October 10th at 3pm in the Common Room in Swift Hall, right in the heart of the University of Chicago campus.

Then, hot on the heels of that talk, we will host a luncheon with the impressive
Nicholas Adams (Edinburgh): “Hegel’s Methodological Lessons for Philosophy of Religion Today” on Monday, October 13 at 12noon in Swift Hall room 208.

And then we’ll give you a little break. But not too much — because then we need to get to the REAL work/fun of the Workshop, namely, the student presentations. If you want to present any of your work-in-progress in November, or in Winter or Spring quarters, email me. It may be on any topic under the expansive umbrella of the philosophy of religions — the point is just to engage student work.