Xing Hao Wang, Aesthetics as Ethics: Music as Paradigm in Early China

Xing Hao Wang

MA Student, UChicago Divinity

Respondent: Tyler Neenan

PhD Candidate, Philosophy of Religions, UChicago Divinity

 Aesthetics as Ethics: Music as Paradigm in Early China

The workshop will consist of a presentation from Xing Hao and a response from Tyler, after which we will have a discussion. The paper to be read in advance can be accessed here (please email us for password). We hope to see you there!

TUESDAY, February 20th, 5 PM, Swift 207

Hosted by the Philosophy of Religions Workshop at the University of Chicago.


The Workshop on the Philosophy of Religions is committed to being a fully accessible and inclusive workshop. Please contact Workshop Coordinators Danica Cao ( or Taryn Sue ( in order to make any arrangements necessary to facilitate your participation in workshop events.