Religion, Theory, and Interpretation

A UChicago CAS Study Group

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March 16 – Sarah Levenstam – Canceled

Dear Colleagues,

We regret to inform you that we are canceling our last scheduled workshop for the quarter: Sarah Levenstam on Monday, March 16.  Hopefully, we will be able to reschedule and move the workshop to an online format next quarter.
All the best,
Claire Hautot

March 16 – Sarah Levenstam

February 10 – Kellan Klaus

Please join us on Monday, February 10 at 4:30 pm to discuss a paper by Kellan Klaus, “Cypriot traditions of Peacemaking: The Making of Authority, Temporality, and Ethical Selves in a Cypriot Village”. Alexis Rolando Chavez, a PhD student in Anthropology, will respond. The paper is available for download here.

January 27 – Claire Hautot

Please join us at 4:30 pm on Monday, January 27 to discuss a paper by Claire Hautot, “History, Context, Identity: Understanding the Contextualization Movement at the University of Mississippi”.

Kim Kolor, a PhD student in Anthropology, will respond.

Winter 2020 Schedule

Dear Colleagues,


I am pleased to share the Winter schedule for the Religion and the Human Sciences Workshop with you. Our workshop is held on Monday evenings in the Martin Marty Center Library from 4:30-5:45 pm. Papers are typically circulated one week in advance and are available at our website,here. Please let me know if you need the password.


We are also looking for graduate students to serve as respondents for some of our upcoming workshops. This is a great opportunity for practicing skills in assessing academic writing and facilitating group discussion. We are happy to provide some helpful tips and guidelines for respondents if needed.


Finally, we are now accepting papers for the Spring quarter and still have spaces available if you are interested in sharing your work with us. Seminar papers, conference papers, dissertation chapters, proposals, or works in progress are all welcome.


RHS Workshop Schedule, Winter 2020:


January 6

Graduate Student Paper: Adam Miller


January 27

Graduate Student Paper: Claire Hautot


February 10

Graduate Student Paper: Kellan Klaus


March 2

Visiting Professor: Dr. Levi McLaughlin

This workshop is coordinated in conjunction with the Center for East Asian Studies and the East Asian Politics, Economy, and Society Workshop.


March 16

Graduate Student Paper: Sarah Levenstam


All the best,

Claire Hautot

January 6: Adam Miller

Please join us in the Martin Marty Library at 4:30 pm on Monday, January 6 for our first RHS workshop of the quarter. We will be discussing a paper by Adam Miller and Seema Chauhan is our respondent.


November 18: Rachel Carbonara

Please join us on November 18 to discuss a paper by Rachel Carbonara, based on her fieldwork in Peru. Nick Lorenz will respond. Rachel and Nick are both PhD students in Anthropology and Sociology of Religion here at the Divinity  School.

November 11: R&HS Social | Postponed Workshop


Our November 11 workshop has been postponed. We will update you as soon as we have a new date scheduled.

In the meantime, please do join us for our R&HS Social on the evening of November 11:


R&HS Social!

Come and celebrate the end of midterms with the Religion and Human Sciences Club next Monday at the Ida Noyes Pub!

We’re teaming up with the RLVC club to host a get together for anyone interested in the committees that make up the Religion and Human Sciences area in the Divinity School: History of Religions, Anthropology and Sociology of Religion and Religion, Literature and Visual culture.

Snacks, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages are on us!

Where? Ida Noyes Pub

When? Monday 11th November, 6pm-7.30pm 

Please remember that an entry fee is required to enter the Ida Noyes Pub. Door entry fees are $3 for a guest pass, valid for one day’s entry or $10 for an annual membership, which is valid until August 2020. If your access to our event will be restricted as a result of this fee, or for any other reason, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you. Contact:

See you there!

Meeting Schedule : Autumn 2019

Dear Friends of RHS, 

The Religion and the Human Sciences Workshop is excited to announce our schedule for the remainder of the Autumn quarter. 

October 29, Swift Hall Common Room, 12:30-2:00

Please join us for a lunchtime conversation with Dr Matthew Engelke, where we will be discussing selected chapters from his book, A Problem of Presence. To be included in the lunch headcount and to receive the chapters in advance, please RSVP to  

November 11, Martin Marty Library, 4:30-5:45 

Graduate Student Paper Workshop: Adam Miller, to be followed by a pub night at the University Pub in Ida Noyes Hall. Thank you to the RHS Club, for sponsoring this event. 

November 18, Martin Marty Library, 4:30-5:45 

Graduate Student Paper Workshop: Rachel Carbonara

Student papers will be made available for reading one week in advance of the workshop at 

All the best, 

Claire Hautot 

Book Workshop: Dr. Khaled Furani

The Religion and the Human Sciences Workshop and the Islamic Studies Workshop are pleased to invite you to an upcoming workshop with Dr. Khaled Furani:
“Redeeming Anthropology: A Theological Critique of a Modern Science
Khaled Furani
Associate Professor of Anthropology, Tel Aviv University
Friday, September 27
 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM 
 Martin Marty Center Library
Swift Hall
(1025 E. 58th St)


Please email Alireza Doostdar ( to RSVP and to receive the chapters we will be discussing. 
Redeeming Anthropology lifts a veil on anthropology as a modern academic discipline, constituted by its secular sovereign reason and membership in the Enlightenment-bequeathed university. Mining anthropology’s biographical corpus, Khaled Furani reveals ways theology has always existed in its recesses, despite perpetual efforts at immuring encroachment by this banished other. Anthropologists have alternatively spurned, disregarded, and followed forms of religiosity, transmuting their theistic engagement in their professional work. Centrally, if unwittingly, theology remains in anthropology’s consummate rite of ethnographic immersion, defying precepts on the autonomy of reason and knowledge production by immersing the seeker in the sought-after. Nevertheless, anthropology ultimately commits idolatry by largely adoring the concept of Culture, and its constructs, and upholding itself as pre-eminently an ethical triumph. Furthermore, by limiting its horizons to finite categories of “human” and “natural,” anthropology entangles itself in “worship” of the State and conclusively of the sovereignty principle that powers modern reason. Recovery from idolatry might arrive should anthropological reason become attuned to its fragility, cease to fear theistic reason, and open pathways toward revitalization through revelation. 
Khaled Furani is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Tel Aviv University. His research interests lie in secularism, poetics, social theory, history of anthropology, Palestine, and the modern condition. He is the author of Silencing the Sea: Secular Rhythms in Palestinian Poetry (2012). 
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