11/20 Danbao

Chinese Novelist, former PhD student in Anthropology

“How Do You Tell New Stories of “Guanxi”? Writing and Publishing Fiction in Today’s China”

Time: Friday, November 20th, 5-7 pm CST

Zoom Registration: https://uchicago.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvduGrqjoiHNONWLZEQF_K9VEyZAiOXI7T

Discussant: Yueling Ji, Ph.D. Candidate, EALC

The Art and Politics of East Asia (APEA) workshop is proud to host Danbao (Chinese Novelist and former PhD student in Anthropology), who will talk about her newly published book 美满  (roughly translated as Perfectly Satisfactory) this Friday. Note that the event will be mostly Chinese with opportunity to ask questions in English during the Q&A. She summarizes her short stories as follows:


Please contact Jiayi Zhu (jiayizhu@uchicago.edu) and Sophia Walker (scwalker2@uchicago.edu) if you have any questions or concerns.
Jiayi and Sophia, Co-coordinators, Art and Politics of East Asia Workshop
Danbao’s Bio: 淡豹,原名刘雪婷,辽宁沈阳人,作家。结束在北京大学的社会学、人类学学习后,她在芝加哥大学人类学系度过了五年多,其间开始为《东方早报》等中文媒体写社会评论、文化评论。2013年,微博上出现一条广东某高校男性教授评论大学女生“应该打扮漂亮,为老师和男生带来美的享受”的言论后,她非常生气,在微博上连续十天共写下十篇系列回应文章,呼吁国内高校反对性别歧视和刻板印象;从此她活跃于微博,话题遍及女性、读书、儿童权利等。2015年她回到北京生活至今。今年8月,她出版了一本短篇小说集《美满》,写中国家庭近年的结构性变化、人们在流动中漂浮不安又寻求支撑点的生活感受、以及女性在家庭中的欲望和苦闷。如今她主要是一名小说写作者,也在一本新闻时事杂志和另一本儿童杂志上开有专栏。

10/30 Carl Kubler

PhD Candidate, History

“European Vernaculars in Late Imperial China: Texts and Contexts before the Treaty Ports”

Time: Friday, October 30th, 3-5 pm

Zoom Registration: https://uchicago.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvduGrqjoiHNONWLZEQF_K9VEyZAiOXI7T

Discussant: Yin Cai, Ph.D. Candidate, EALC

The Art and Politics of East Asia (APEA) workshop is proud to host Carl Kubler (Ph.D. Candidate, History), who will present his dissertation chapter “European Vernaculars in Late Imperial China: Texts and Contexts before the Treaty Ports” this Friday. He summarizes his chapter as follows:

Although many scholars of late imperial China have analyzed in detail the economic and political dimensions of Chinese trade with the West in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, fewer have considered the routine linguistic mechanisms and practices that facilitated commercial and cross-cultural interactions on the ground level. This chapter examines European language learning among Chinese commoners in the decades leading up to the first Opium War (1839-1842) and shows how a better understanding of translingual interaction can deepen our understanding of everyday exchanges and relationships.

Please contact Jiayi Zhu (jiayizhu@uchicago.edu) and Sophia Walker (scwalker2@uchicago.edu) if you have any questions or concerns.
Jiayi and Sophia, Co-coordinators, Art and Politics of East Asia Workshop

Professionalization Workshop with Ji Young Kim and Scott W. Aalgaard

Dear friends and colleagues,
Welcome back to a new academic year! To kick off this year’s APEA, we are delighted to have EALC’s graduates, Ji Young Kim and Scott W. Aalgaard, hosting a professionalization workshop. They will be sharing their experience on their first job with us on Zoom. And please come with your questions on pedagogy and research!
Ji Young Kim (Assistant Professor of Korean Literature, Queens College)
and Scott W. Aalgaard (Assistant Professor of East Asian Studies, Wesleyan University)
Friday, Oct 16th, 2020
3-5pm (CDT), Zoom meeting
Zoom Registration Link:
Please contact Jiayi Zhu (jiayizhu@uchicago.edu) and Sophia Walker (scwalker2@uchicago.edu) if you have any questions or concerns.
Jiayi and Sophia, Co-coordinators, Art and Politics of East Asia Workshop