Please find below EthNoise’s meetings for Autumn 2017. We meet in Goodspeed Hall 205 from 4.30-6pm on Thursdays. All are welcome to attend!
10/5: Graduate Student Reports from the Field: Mili Lietner, Jon Bullock, Erol Koymen, Laura Turner
10/12: Student Papers in Preparation for Society of Ethnomusicology Conference:
Nadia Chana: “Rethinking Difference in/as Activist Ethnomusicology”
Hannah Rogers: “(Re)Emergent Archipelagoes: Listening for U.S.-Cuba Relations in Havana”
Ailsa Lipscombe: “Disembodiment as Disempowerment: Indigenous Vocal performance in Disney’s Frozen”
10/19:Student Papers in Preparation for Society of Ethnomusicology Conference:
Lunchtime Session, 12:30-1:30:
Evan Pensis: “‘Hold that Pose for Me’: Voguing and Musical Appropriation in the European Ballroom Scene”
Anjelica Fabro: “What Community are We? Caribbean Unity, Creolization, Archipelagic Thinking in Music Sponsored by CARICOM”
Regular Session, 4:30-6:
Ted Gordon: “’Sound is God’: Pandit Pran Nath, Mysticism, and Music in the San Francisco Bay Area”
Erol Koymen: “From Coups that Silence Ezan-s to Ezan-s that Silence Coups!”
Mili Leitner: “Happy Birthday to Whom? Israeli Nationhood, Musical Collaboration and the Exclusionary Semiotics of Bat Shishim”
11/9: Film Screening:
Screening of Cuban Documentary Materia Prima, followed by discussion with producer David Fernández Borrás (co-sponsored by CLAS).
Materia Prima is a documentary dealing with the celebration in 2009 of International Workers’ Day and the 50th anniversary of the Revolution in Havana. Significantly, this was the first such event at which Fidel Castro was not present. Overlapping and interweaving of images and sounds of official and popular celebration inform one another throughout the film, giving special significance to the phrase “material prima” with regards to the Cuban people.
- Muestra de Cine Documental Lupa. SPAIN.
- Concorto Film Festival. ITALY.
- Collected Voices Chicago Ethnographic Film Festival. UNITED STATES
- 20 Festival Internacional de Documentales de Santiago. (FIDOCS). Selección official.
- 37 Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinamericano. CUBA. Selección official.
- 47 Festival de Cine Documental Alcances. SPAIN. Selección Official.
- 14 Muestra de Jóvenes Realizadores. CUBA. Mención Especial de documental.
- Festival Internacional ICARO. GUATEMALA.