
The Music, Language, and Culture Workshop

EthNoise! Workshop Will Meet This Thursday, Feb. 28 (and on 3/7, 3/14)


Dear all,

I hope your week is off to a great start! I’m writing to remind you that EthNoise! will meet this Thursday, February 28 in Rosenwald 301 from 5-6:20 pm. Our presenter will be Thalea Stokes, who will be presenting their paper, “Hip-Hop Culture among Mongols in Mongolia and China: The Development of a New Tradition throughout the Mongolian Diaspora.” For those of you who attended the workshop a few weeks ago, you’ll remember that Thalea discussed Mongolian hip-hop culture in China. During this week’s presentation, Thalea will expand their focus on Mongolian hip-hop culture to include a comparative look at Mongolian hip-hop both in China and in Mongolia. You won’t want to miss it! As always, snacks and drinks will be provided, and please reach out before then if you have any questions at all.
Finally, I wanted to remind you that the final two EthNoise! workshops of the quarter will meet on March 7 and March 14; both presenters are current PhD candidates in ethnomusicology here at UChicago. On March 7, Mili Leitner Cohen will present “What Women Want: The Weaponization of Women’s Sung Prayer at Jerusalem’s Western Wall.” On March 14, Joe Maurer will discuss a chapter from his dissertation, in which he focuses on music education among immigrant communities in Chicago. Mark your calendars!
Until then,
Jon Bullock

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