This week we are delighted and honored to welcome Rudolf Pietsch, Prof. Dr, and Deputy Director, Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie, Vienna, for a special Wednesday workshop sponsored in conjunction with the Music History/Theory workshop. His presentation will be on the topic “Sound aspects caused by the formation of intentional and accidental multipart instrumental music.” He will draw examples from various Austrian musical ensembles.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This workshop is on Wednesday, March 9 in a special location, room 801 in the Logan Center for the Arts.
In addition to his scholarly work, Professor Pietsch in an eminent musician (for a sample performance, see We invite you to join us for his presentation, the ensuing conversation, and refreshments on Wednesday, March 9 in Logan 801 from 4:30-6pm.
In addition to his scholarly work, Professor Pietsch in an eminent musician (for a sample performance, see We invite you to join us for his presentation, the ensuing conversation, and refreshments on Wednesday, March 9 in Logan 801 from 4:30-6pm.