Thursday, March 23, 5–6:30pm CT, ZOOM
Language in Lyrics: A Language Revitalization, Applied Ethnomusicology, Digital Humanities, and Community Development Project
Dr. Heather Sparling, Professor of Ethnomusicology, Cape Breton University
Respondent: Natalie Farrell
Thursday, April 6, 5:00–6:30pm CT, Regenstein JRL 264
How Archives (and We) Change Theory
Dr. Charlie Kronengold, Assistant Professor of Music, Stanford University
Cosponsored by the Sound and Society Workshop
Thursday, April 13, 5:00–6:30pm CT, Regenstein JRL 264
“Baile Donde Quieras”: The Global Politics of Black Dance in Fútbol
Rachel Chery, PhD Candidate, Music, University of Chicago
Jonah Francese, PhD Student, Music, University of Chicago
FRIDAY, April 21, 3:30–5:00pm CT, Cobb Hall Room TBA
Hñähñu Language Revitalization through Indigenous Mexican Hip Hop: Building Towards an Indigenous Hip Hop Futurism
Jonah Francese, PhD Student, Music, University of Chicago
Cosponsored by the Language Variation & Change Workshop
Thursday, May 4, 5:00–6:30pm CT, ZOOM
Somos Guerreras: Queer Feminisms in Latin American Hip Hop
Dr. Melissa Castillo Planas, Associate Professor of English, Lehman College (CUNY)
Respondent: Nina Narayanan
Cosponsored by the Gender and Sexuality Studies Workshop
Thursday, May 11, 5:00–6:30pm CT, Logan 801
Is Global Jazz History Global Music History? On Musical Blackness, Universalisms, and the Challenge of Undoing Things
Dr. Gabriel Solis, Divisional Dean of the Arts, University of Washington
Respondent: Travis Jackson
EthNoise dinner with Gabe to follow so please RSVP if you are interested in attending!
Thursday, May 18, 5:00-6:30pm CT, Logan 801
The Epitome of Resistance: Taras Shevchenko in the Music of Ukrainians Throughout the Generations
Dr. Olha Kolomyyets, Associate Professor of Musicology, Ivan Franko Lviv National University (Ukraine); 2022-23 Visiting Faculty Member, University of Chicago Music Department
Thursday, January 26, 5–6:30pm CT, Logan 801
JOB TALK: “Rethinking Aurality and Embodiment under Global Populism”
Dr. Erol Koymen, Teaching Fellow, Music, University of Chicago
Thursday, February 2, 5–6:30pm CT, Logan 802
Fieldwork and Feedback: Open Panel Conversation Between Students and their Interlocutors
Varshini Narayanan, PhD Candidate, Music, University of Chicago
Jonah Francese, PhD Student, Music, University of Chicago
Galen Passen, Musician and Interlocutor of Varshini
Soltre James, Musician and Interlocutor of Jonah
Thursday, February 16, 5–6:30pm CT, ZOOM
ADHD/80HD: Initial Queries into Black Music and Neurodivergence
Dr. Jessica Swanston Baker, Assistant Professor of Ethnomusicology, University of Chicago
Thursday, February 23, 5–6:30pm CT, Logan 802
Reimagining and Reviving the Past: Alejo Carpentier and Colonial Music in Cuba
Aimée González, PhD Candidate, Music, University of Chicago
Thursday, March 2, 5–6:30pm CT, ZOOM
Afro-diasporic Womanhood in Tania León’s “Oh Yemanja”
Dr. Marysol Quevedo, Assistant Professor of Musicology, University of Miami
FALL 2022
Thursday, September 29, 5:30–7:00pm CT on Zoom
Indigenous Creative Critique: How NdN Hip Hop Creatives Disrupt Colonialism
Kyle T. Mays, Associate Professor of African American Studies, American Indian Studies, and History, UCLA
Thursday, October 27, 5–6:30pm CT on Zoom
SEM/AMS Dry Runs – Part I
Devon Borowski, PhD Candidate, Music, University of Chicago
Chris Batterman Cháirez, PhD Candidate, Music, University of Chicago
Thursday, November 3, 6:30–8:30pm CT* on Zoom
(*please note the later time)
SEM/AMS Dry Runs – Part II
David Shuve-Wilson, PhD Candidate, Music, University of Chicago
Emily Williams, PhD Candidate, Music, University of Chicago
Eva Pensis, PhD Candidate, Music, University of Chicago
Thursday, November 17, 5–6:30pm CT, Goodspeed 402*
(*please note this is an in-person event with refreshments!)
Nizami, Gozzi, Puccini: On the Evolution of Orientalism in the Case of Turandot
Anne Monique Pace, PhD Candidate, Music, University of Chicago
Thursday, December 1, 5–6:30pm CT on Zoom
Basque Women: Transmitting Cultural Knowledge Through Song
Dr. Begoña Echeverria, Associate Dean of Academic Personnel & Professor, UC Riverside
If applicable, Zoom links and papers to be read in advance will be circulated via email in advance of each session. Register for the EthNoise! listerv here.