In Focus

A Research Photography Competition

SISRM’s inaugural student photography competition, In Focus, will highlight the importance of the experiences our SISRM alumni have in research. Photographs may depict work concretely (i.e. a research site or the research itself) or abstractly (i.e. an activity related to  research, the impact of research, or something that inspired/helped with the understanding of research).

Competition Details


  • All SISRM alumni who are currently enrolled in a University of Chicago degree program are eligible to submit original photography.

  • SISRM alumni from Insper and Chicago State University who are currently registered in degree programs at their home institution OR in a graduate program at UChicago are eligible to apply.

  • SISRM Lab alumni are eligible to apply.


  • Limit 1 submission per person
  • Photographs MUST be the property of the person  submitting them
  • Photographs should be recent—within the last 12 months
  • Submissions should be jpg, jpeg, png, or tif files at least 300 DPI at 8”x10”. Please remember to save and submit your photographs at the largest file sizes you can! Sometimes great images can’t be displayed in the exhibition due to small file sizes.
  • Submissions must include a description (3-5 sentences) of how the image connects to research. This is not a caption, but, instead, a creative description that articulates how the image represents your research subject matter, your experience conducting research, and/or the impact this area of research has had on you or others.


Submission and Evaluation Details

Your submissions will be judged on three criteria:

  1. Connection between image, text, and research
  2. Originality
  3. Visual Impact

A subset of submissions will be selected by a team of judges (Faculty, Staff, and Students) as the semi-finalists. The final selection of images will be put to popular vote (by all SISRM alumni who wish to participate). Of these, 2 awards will be given:

  • People’s Choice Award: $150
    Runner up: $100

Please Note: All submissions become the property of the University of Chicago Summer Institute in Social Research Methods, which will enjoy full, non-exclusive rights of use and circulation (with attribution to the photographer). If you submit a photo it is understood that you have granted this right.

Submit Your Photo