Cytometry and Antibody Technology

Welcome to the Cytometry and Antibody Technology Core Facility

a Comprehensive Cancer Center Core

Cancer Center members should cite the Cancer Center Support Grant (P30CA014599) when publishing any work assisted by this core facility.

Welcome New Users!

Instructions for getting trained to use CAT Facility instruments and the available services can be found on our New User page. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the CAT Facility Staff.

Institute for Translational Medicine Core Facility Grant

The ITM wants to help you take advantage of core facility resources, awarding up to $5,000 to offset any costs associated with using one of UChicago’s Core Facilities.

Instrument Status

The CAT Facility staff works hard to ensure the instruments are working properly. In the event that there are ongoing issues with any of the instruments the status will posted at the bottom of this page.

Spectral Flow Cytometry

Get started in the spectral flow cytometry world


Instrument service contracts and stakeholders

The ABRF group has kindly provided me with the recording of the service contract session form the April 2024 meeting in Minneapolis for the ChUG podcast. Here it is! One point of the discussion that stuck with me during the session is when a member of the audience...

Get more flow help in Discord!

Daniel Vocelle from the MSU flow core has launched a Flow Cytometry Discord channel on the interwebs! What is Discord? I don't really know, I'm super old. But presumably, the Flow Cytometry Discord is a place where you'll find a bunch of people asking and answering...

The new server online portal

Many of you may have noticed that the old online portal to access your data is no longer working and your credentials are just no good anymore. Here is what is happening. BSD mandated that the access to the data be secured and so we switched to a system where every...

Instrument Status

See notes below if bars are yellow or red. Click on each instrument to access the instrument-specific page.


  • No Issues 0% 0%
  • Minor issues 0% 0%
  • Can not be used 0% 0%
  • Aurora-B
  • Aurora-R
  • Penteon 5-30
  • Quanteon 4-25
  • Fortessa 4-15
  • Fortessa HTS 4-15
  • Fortessa HTS 4-15
  • Attune NxT 4-14
  • Bigfoot
  • Aria Fusion 5-18
  • AriaIII
  • Tyto
  • Jonas Center Quanteon
  • PME Fortessa
  • PME Aurora
  • Helios Mass Cytometer
  • Image Stream MarkII
  • Luminex 200
  • MSD Quickplex SQ120

06/13/24 Aurora-Red issue: The instrument is somewhat noisy. We’re trying to identify the source. QC passes just fine, however – it’s actually very good.

Fortessa HTS 07/18/24: The violet laser power now reads at half what it should normally be. It is enough to excite most signal, but is definitely sub-par. The instrument actually passes QC, so nothing is very cataclysmic at this time, but it may indicate that the laser is on its way out. We recommend using channels using the violet laser on that instrument. We’re contacting BD to find a way to resolve the issue asap.

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