Cytometry and Antibody Technology

Imaging Flow Cytometry

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Imaging Flow Cytometry

The revolutionary ImageStream®X Mk II Imaging Flow Cytometer combines the speed, sensitivity, and phenotyping abilities of flow cytometry with the detailed imagery and functional insights of microscopy. This unique combination enables a broad range of applications that would be impossible using either technique alone.

Image Stream MarkII

Model: Image Stream MarkII
Manufacturer: Amnis (Luminex)

2 sets of spatially separated lasers
– 488nm and 561nm are collinear
– 405nm and 640nm are collinear

Optical configuration: ISX MarkII 2 cameras

Plate loader (ask the staff for x-pierce cover film)

Image Stream MarkII analysis station

Analysis of the data using the IDEAS software will create duplicates of your data files. It is recommended that you do not perform these analysis on the acquisition computer since the space available is fairly small. Analysis stations 1 and 3 have the IDEAS 6.2 software installed for your convenience. We recommend the use of FileZilla to rapidly transfer your data files to theses stations. Contact the staff for assistance.
