Traditional droplet-based cell sortersHome » Cell Sorters » FACSAria
FACSAria III 3-14
FACSAria Fusion 5-18
Aria Normal Operating State
If you schedule a sorter we will assume that you will be dropping off samples for the staff to run. If you plan on sorting frequently after hours you may request to be trained to run the sorters unassisted. More information on training can be found here.
- Sheath: Leinco’s Clear Sort 10X sterile solution mixed with Milli-Q water
- By default, the water bath is turned off. If you would like your sorted samples to be kept at a certain temperature please contact your operator to have the water bath turned on at your desired temperature
- Upon user arrival, the instrument will be ready to go
- CST performed
- Drop Delay calculation completed
- Probe cleaned with bleached
- Self-sorting users may have to get the instrument started on their own.
Sample Preparation Tips
For a complete guide on preparing samples for the FACSArias, see the sorter section of the FAQ page (located under the About menu)
There is a lot of information available in the Resources Library (located under the Resources menu)! The ones relevant to the FACSArias can also be found in the module below.
Configurations and Suggested Fluorophores
When designing a panel, only one fluorophore per row should be used – it is not possible to distinguish fluorophores/dyes from others within in that same row. These tables are also posted on the physical cytometers to refer to the detectors used to identify each fluorophore. These tables do not include a complete list of all fluorophores, only those that are commonly used.