1/17 Sihan Wang

Friday, January 17th: 2 to 4pm CST ON ZOOM (password: Walker). 
Walking Against Time: Slowness, Performance, and Embodied Critique in Tsai Ming-liang’s Walker series 
Sihan Wang (Northwestern University PhD Candidate)
Discussant:Hang Wu (University of Chicago PhD Candidate)

(Image courtesy of MUBI.com)

 The paper can be found HERE with the password Walker. Please do not circulate the materials without the author’s permission.

Abstract: Tsai Ming-liang’s Walker series (2012–ongoing) reimagines temporality through the deliberate, meditative walking of a Tang monk, Xuanzang, moving against the backdrop of fast-paced, globalized urban spaces. Drawing on Chan Buddhist aesthetics, the series manifests an alternative temporality that resists the accelerated rhythms imposed by capitalist modernity. This paper argues that Walker’s extreme slowness not only counters the dominant temporal regimes of contemporary life but also addresses postcolonial temporal dysphoria, a condition of temporal dissonance shaped by uneven modernities and global capitalist pressures. By mobilizing and transforming the Chan Buddhist tradition of walking meditation and its emphasis on immediate presence, Walker critiques the regulated, productive time of global capitalism while proposing an alternative mode of existence. The series positions the walking body as a site of temporal, philosophical, and political intervention, enacting a politics of rhythm, slowness, and presence that disrupts the structures of liquid modernity. This paper further examines how Walker introduces a “temporal punk aesthetic,” blending sacred ritual with performance art to generate decolonial alternatives to contemporary temporal orders. Through its hybrid performance, Walker reveals the critical potential of Chan Buddhist aesthetics to reimagine the experience of time and space under global modernity.

Presenter: Sihan Wang is a Ph.D. candidate in Comparative Literary Studies and Asian Languages & Cultures at Northwestern University. Her research focuses on modern and contemporary Chinese and Sinophone literature, culture, and intellectual history, situated within the global modernist studies and world literature. Her broader interests include comparative modernities, aesthetics and religion, multimedia modernism, critical animal studies, Sinophone cinema, and Chinese diasporic culture. Her teaching experience spans topics on Chinese, Sinophone, and East Asian literature, film, popular culture, as well as animal studies.

Discussant: Hang Wu is a PhD candidate in Cinema and Media Studies and East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago. Her research explores Chinese media history and theory in the eras of broadcasting, digital, and new media. She has published academic work on Chinese animation, cinema, and broadcasting infrastructures in journals and edited volumes such as Animation, Dangdai Dianying (Contemporary Cinema), Sound Communities in the Asia Pacific, and Digital Animalities (forthcoming). Her dissertation examines the role of Chinese martial arts television in the construction of transmedia and transregional storyworlds..